About Us

Braincept is a series of educational games co-invented by Dr. Russell Crawford and Dr Sarah Aynsley from Keele University. We are both teaching professionals with extensive experience and a range of subject expertise between us. With Braincept games, we are looking to harness our experience and knowledge of how students learn in the development of targeted, pedagogically-informed serious games. Our games are contextual physical games aimed at encouraging discussion, discovery and a threshold learning experience for players.

Dr Sarah Aynsley

The creative side of the team

Sarah is a keen gamer in her spare time and academically is interested in mixed methods approaches to teaching. A biology graduate from the University of York (BSc Hons & PhD) Sarah has specialised in immunology and after working in Rheumatoid arthritis research at The University of Sheffield moved to Keele University to teach on the Medical course.

Sarah is currently a Senior Lecturer in Education & Scholarship with a special interest in Immunology and Immunopathology within the medical school.

Dr Russell Crawford

The application side of the team

Russ is also a keen gamer (both digital and physical) with a passion for developing novel and innovative teaching practices through gamifying learning.

A pharmacology graduate from Dundee University (BSc Hons and PhD), Russ works as an Academic Developer in the Keele Institute for Innovation & Teaching Excellence (Keele University), is a National Teaching Fellow (2018), a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and winner of the Times Higher Education "Most Innovative Teacher of the Year" (2017)

Contact Us

Email: braincept.edu@gmail.com

Phone: 01782 733978