How to register for a LIVE WEBINAR?

To register for a LIVE WEBINAR, which is part of a training program Kean purchased from Canvas,  please do the following:

  1) Register with Canvas (follow directions below in red text)

  2) Register on the CTL site, to help Kean track faculty use of LIVE WEBINARS


To register with Canvas Inc.

(1) Sign into your Canvas Account. 

(2) On the global menu (on left) scroll to the bottom and click on "Help". A window will pop up, under the panda, click on "Training Service Portal"

(3) If needed, "Authorize" the system and then click on the "Live Training Calendar" Tab. 

(4) In the calendar, find the session you want to attend

(5) Click on the three dots (on right of the session name)

(6) Click on “Enroll

(7)  A window will pop-up, click on the “Enroll” button

(8) You are now enrolled AND will receive an email confirmation from Instructure (not the CTL)

IMPORTANT To join a LIVE WEBINAR session you have two options:

1) follow the link in the email invitation

2) Open from the menu you registered (10 minutes before the event)

● Open the Live Training Calendar (from the help menu)

● Find the session you have registered for. Click Join Session

** If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to me at