AI Expectations Section

in Simple Syllabus 

This page is designed to support faculty as they develop the AI section of their Syllabus, in Simple Syllabus. 

All Kean faculty are required to have a policy governing AI use in your classroom. Currently the AI section in your Simple Syllabus is blank. Please use the below information when developing the policy for your class. 

The first step is to determine which one of the below policy three approaches you want to follow. These AI policies explain how students should and should not use AI applications in preparing course assignments. Examples of these three policy categories are include in the dropdown menus. 

What format should I use for my AI Use policy

All syllabi automatically have this statement

Any use of generative AI -- meaning programs such as ChatGPT, GPT 4, DALL-E, Vertex, and many others to come -- is subject to the same citation rules as any ideas, text, speech, or imagery derived from human authors. When presenting work that is not your own, students must attribute authorship through the use of quotation marks, citations, and oral source attributions, and other means of making clear what is original to the student and what is taken from other sources. Using Generative AI without proper acknowledgement is against Kean's academic integrity policy and subject to the same rules and consequences outlined for plagiarism. If you are unsure whether a tool qualifies as a generative AI tool, or if you have questions regarding allowable use, please consult with me before using it.

Each instructor is encouraged to also add specific course policies. 

If you are teaching The second step is to write a your AI section in Simple Syllabus. This statement should include the below three parts 

Examples of the three AI Use Categories and Consequences

In the dropdown sections below, we illustrate each AI Use categories and consequences that can provide "inspiration" for your own policy. 

Prohibited Use

Using AI to write your work is not fundamentally different from having another person write your paper, take your test, or complete your assignment. Use of an AI Generator such as ChatGPT, iA Writer, MidJourney, DALL-E, etc. is explicitly prohibited. It’s imperative that all work submitted should be your own. Any assignment that is found to have been plagiarized or to have used unauthorized AI tools will receive a zero and/or be reported for academic misconduct. 

Specific Use

Policy in an Education Class: 

AI is ubiquitous in today's technology driven society. This class prepares you for teaching with technology in meaningful ways. Therefore, we will intentionally use AI at specific times in the course. There will also be assignments where I ask you to affirm that you did not use AI to construct a response. These assignments will be checked using AI writing detection tools like Turnitin and GPTZero. Assignments not complying with this course policy will receive a zero. Additionally, your decision to comply with this policy will influence your preparation for teaching.

Policy in an Mathematics Class (use for homework only, not during tests)

You are allowed to use any software to do homework, including GPT-4/chat GPT, especially to check your work. My Math Lab homework assignments give examples to guide you through a problem. Critical assessments such as quizzes on MyMathLab can be done using graphing calculator and notes. However, critical assessments such as exams and the final are in-class and only a graphing calculator may be used. No mobile phones or web browsing is allowed during in-class assessments, so generative AI cannot be used. If you are unsure whether a tool qualifies as a generative AI tool, or if you have questions regarding allowable use, please consult with me before using it. 

Use with Citation Examples

Policy in an Humanities Class (brainstorm only)

You may use AI programs e.g. ChatGPT to help generate ideas and brainstorm. Think of generative AI as an always-available brainstorming partner. However, you should note that the material generated by these programs may be inaccurate, incomplete, or otherwise problematic. Beware that use may also stifle your own independent thinking and creativity. When/if you use Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms in your assignments, please write a note to clarify where in your process you used AI and which platform(s) you used. If you include material generated by an AI program, it should be cited like any other reference material. We will discuss this more throughout the semester in class **Please note, you may not submit any work generated by an AI program as your own.

AI Statement for CBPM Courses:

Organizations are leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and appropriate use of AI technology is part of a leading-edge education. AI programs (e.g. ChatGPT/GPT-4/Bard) can be valuable tools for gathering information and generating ideas. However, material generated by AI programs may be inaccurate, incomplete, or otherwise problematic. Your instructor will specifically state when AI programs are allowed for use in assignments, if you are unsure whether you should be using AI, then you should ask your instructor. If allowed by your instructor, inclusion of AI generated material must always be properly cited like any other reference material. Students should never submit AI generated work as their own original work as this would constitute a plagiarism violation as defined by the University Academic Integrity Policy and subject to appropriate sanctions. Instructors may use Canvas Turn-it-in technology to monitor AI content in assignments.

AI Statement from a Health Class

If you have questions about completing the AI section of Simple Syllabus, you should are reach out to the chair of the department. You can also reach out to the Director of the CTL, Dr. Rosen at

Below please find additional information about AI that you might find helpful.

Should I address AI in any other section of my syllabus?

Yes. It is a good idea to adjust your teaching strategies and to reflect this in your syllabus. 

Does my AI policy need to be listed in other documents?

Kean requires faculty to create a AI policy that discipline and course appropriate. Instructors are urged to make this plain on syllabi and to explain how students should and should not use AI applications in preparing course assignments. Faculty should align their policy to department expectations. 

Teaching Strategies for making your class AI resistant 

This section includes suggestions for steps instructors can take to make their classroom more resistant to inappropriate AI use

Tools that can help identify AI generated writing