COVID-19 Resources

For Students

Social Stories About COVID-19

Video Chatting- A New Way to Communicate - Social Story.pdf

Time to Come in, Bear

Written by Kim St. Lawrence & Read by Ryan St. Lawrence

Note from the author: No children's story should be written in a weekend, but I wanted to get this out while social distancing is so important for prevention. We're in awe of parents who are navigating this new normal with their littles and hope this will help to start a dialogue or provide comfort in uncertain times.  Stay well! 

This video was made with Biteable

When Can I Go Back to School Printable Social Story by

Healthy Learning Activities


My 2020 COVID-19 Time Capsule

Healthy Habits of Our Feelings Workbook

For Kindergarden to 1st Grade

RULER for Families- Grades k-1.pdf

For 2nd and 3rd Grade

RULER for Families-Grades 2-3.pdf

For 4th and 5th Grade

RULER for Families- Grades 4-5.pdf
COVID-19 story English.pdf
COVID-19 story Spanish.pdf