
What is Self-Care?

Self-care is an important component of a teacher’s mental health, but there are misconceptions about what it is. It’s common to dismiss the self-care movement as “selfish” or “superficial.” But for teachers, self-care is so much more than breakfast in bed or treating yourself to a spa day. It’s about taking care of your health so that you’re prepared to be the best teacher you can be for yourself and your students. The definition of self-care is any action that you use to improve your health and well-being. According to the National Institute of Mental Illness (NAMI), there are six elements to self-care:

Click on the image of title to get some self-care information.

Self Care Action Plan

Self-care can seem like a daunting task when you've already got a lot on your plate, so let's take a little time to reflect on what works best for you, and make an action plan. 

More Self-Care ideas at Wellness and Self-Care 


Self-Care Assessment.pdf


Self-Care Wheel 2.pdf

Healthy Tips to Manage Stress

The Healthy Teacher Self-Care Planner was designed to be a quick way to keep self-care a priority and tend to the needs of your mind and body, even when the school year gets hectic. For more information go to The Whole Adventure 

Copy of Self-Care & Coping Strategies
Self_Care_Planner_for teachers.pdf

Learn to Take Care of Yourself


Better Together Progress not Perfection

Care for the Caregiver-Parents and Teachers_Final.pdf

Mindfulness, Meditation, and Fitness Apps

Headspace is your guide to mindfulness for your everyday life. Learn meditation and mindfulness skills from world-class experts like Headspace co-founder Andy Puddicombe, and choose from hundreds of guided meditations on everything from managing stress and anxiety to sleep, focus, and mind-body health. 

Enhance your life with mindfulness and Meditation. The Chakra Chime app allows you to enhance your life with mindfulness and meditation. It includes a countdown timer, interactive chime, reminder alarm, and journal.

Calm is an app for Sleep, Meditation and Relaxation 

Down Dog is a fitness app available on the App Store and Google Play. It is FREE until July for students, teachers, and health care workers.

Way of Life allows you to pick "micro habits" that you can track each day, with alerts reminding you to fill in how you did (e.g. take a 10 minute walk during day, eat lunch, do mindfulness app, etc.).

Insight Timer is the number 1 free app for sleep, anxiety, and stress

Meditate easily with the Simply Being App. It allows you to choose from 4 meditation times and gives you the option to listen with or without music/nature sounds. 

Breathe2Relax is a portable stress management tool which provides detailed information on the effects of stress on the body and instructions and practice exercises to help users learn the stress management skill called diaphragmatic breathing.

Tips for Calmness & Self-Regulation

Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley: How Teachers Can Navigate Difficult Emotions During School Closures

Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley: Stress Management for Educators

On demand meditation and yoga videos: Breath for Change

Videos created for teachers well being: 7 Videos to Help Educators Practice Mindfulness and De-Stress

Self-Care Quotes

Additional Resources for Staff

The self-care challenge for teachers, "Teachers Beat Burnout", will begin on Sunday, October 4th. 

Each day of the  challenge, you will receive an email with an action step towards building an effective self-care plan, including boundaries you need to set, for a balanced school year. It will cover the following:

Join the Teachers Beat Burnout Challenge 

Books for Educators' Self-Care

Goodies for Educators' Self-Care