Measuring Social Emotional Growth

Kansas MTSS follows expert advice for measuring Social Emotional Growth (SEG) locally.

Skill and competency assessment is viewed alongside school climate, risk screening and other early warning data, and implementation fidelity data. This helps ensure that we as educators are providing the opportunity, the conducive environment, and responding to local context and needs to ensure all students are able to gain the social and emotional skills that promote wellbeing and learning, career and employability readiness, and family and civic engagement. This is how we help districts meet the State Board goal for measuring Social Emotional Growth locally.

How to Use Our Compelling & Actionable School Climate Report:

Districts can compare Skill Assessment and School Climate Data with risk information to get a fuller understanding of your system and enact a school improvement process.

for measuring Social Emotional Growth (SEG)

Don't let students fall through the cracks.

A risk response system is an essential part of the school improvement process.

Universal Risk Screening and Early Warning Data help us find students who may be at risk and need additional support.

Click the image to learn more

⭐️ Earn State Recognition for SEG