Screening for Risk

In Kansas MTSS, we universally screen students for risk three times per year, and use early warning data such as attendance, behavior referrals and course grades to respond to needs. Additionally, diagnostic tools may be necessary to fully understand and respond to more chronic or acute needs.

Universal risk screeners, such as the SAEBRS, BASC-BESS, Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire, and SRSS-IE, are designed and validated to find students who are potentially at risk and in need of support. This is a distinct and important purpose that should not be confused with skills assessment.

Click the image below to check out our SAEBRS and mySAEBRS quick tutorial webinar!

Links & Articles on Risk Data

Early Warning Indicator (EWI) data includes attendance, behavioral referral, course grades, risk screener, and others.  Others may include  counselor referrals, nurse office visits, tardies, and sources your school finds meaningful as you realize local student behaviors and emotional needs.  

Attendance Works

Ninth Grade GPA Study

GPA and Attendance Study

EWI Tiered Cut Scores

Validated Risk Screeners

Universal Risk Screening (and Early Warning Data) help us find students who may be at risk and need additional support.