Find your way home.

You deserve to feel at home within yourself, your relationships, and your surroundings.

A psychological home... not a particular physical place. It's being at home within yourself and your life, where there's a sense of comfort and belonging that you can carry with you wherever you go.

Without a sense of home, you may...

  • Find yourself frequently feeling worried, insecure, doubtful, driven to distraction or constant activity;

  • Feel burdened by a need to be perfect or overachieve;

  • Feel small, hopeless, or unable to take steps towards your desired life;

  • Feel a lack of trust, intimacy, and love in your relationships;

  • Find yourself stuck in unhelpful patterns;

  • Feel confused about who you are and where you want to go.

What does your sense of home feel like?

Home might feel like...

  • You are at ease and comfortable, as well as feel seen and heard.

  • You feel grounded and connected to the things and people that are important to you.

  • You can experience and share both your proudest, most joyous moments as well as those when you feel defeated, angry, or sad.

  • You feel like you have a place of belonging along with a sense of freedom and agency.

  • Conflicts are communicated, negotiated, and resolved.

  • You have a clear sense of yourself, your desires, and your goals.

  • You believe that you have the strength and support to face challenges, and you see them as opportunities for growth.

For many of us, home is an ideal state that we spend our lives pursuing. It's not a destination, but an ongoing journey. With time and practice, we may be able to more easily get to, and stay longer, in this state. Even if you grew up or currently live in a way that didn't provide you with a psychological home, I believe there's a part deep within each of us that yearns for it and knows when we've arrived.

I would be honored to help you find your way home.