Organizational Consulting

Similar to individuals and couples, teams and organizations sometimes encounter obstacles to growth. I view these moments of transition as opportunities to help my clients recommit to core values and discover new ways to put them into practice. As in psychotherapy, I help my consulting clients look at the bigger picture to identify existing conscious and implicit patterns, build or strengthen important relationships, improve leadership, and work collaboratively to create solutions for sustainable, long-lasting change.

In my consulting practice, I bring a background in corporate and nonprofit consulting and combine it with my training in relationship-focused clinical work. My experiences have included healthcare, technology, and educational settings. As an organizational consultant, I am warm, empathic, and engaged. I ground my work in values and principles while being organized, transparent, goal-oriented, and pragmatic.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are the cornerstones of creating a sense of home for all members of a team or organization. I am especially passionate about helping leaders and teams improve their diversity practices and more fully realize intersectional equity, both in the workplace and how they serve their consumers.

In this work, I pay particular attention to implicit and nonverbal ways in which biases related to race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, immigration history, and other aspects of identity can become lodged within organizational structures and processes. Through deep listening, thoughtful questioning, and rigorous analysis, I help clients build systems of trauma- and culturally-sensitive practices that promote belonging and inclusion.

I am available for one-time trainings, workshops, and facilitations as well as ongoing projects and will collaborate with clients to discover the best fit for their needs. In particular, I specialize in working with leaders who are themselves immigrants, women, People of Color (POC), or from other traditionally marginalized backgrounds. If you're interested in working with me for consultation, please use email me at

For more information about my professional experiences, please visit my LinkedIn profile.