Meiyang Liu Kadaba, PsyD (she/her)

刘眉扬 博士 (她)

San Francisco, CA

As a therapist and consultant, my work centers around building a warm, trusting relationship with my clients. I strive to meet each person where they are and create a relationship that's uniquely suited to their needs and goals. I anchor myself in values of respect, authenticity, collaboration, and compassion. As a bicultural and bilingual "third-culture kid," I've engaged in a personal search for home and belonging ever since childhood. As a result, I pay particular attention to the profound way that socio-cultural histories and contexts shape our sense of self and our experiences in the world. Principles of justice, equity, and deep attunement are at the heart of all that I do. I am also able to work in both English and Mandarin.

Before coming to the field of mental health, I had an educational and professional background in medicine and technology. These experiences taught me to find the connections between individuals and the larger, systemic structures and processes that surround us. My graduate training at the Wright Institute in Berkley, CA, where I obtained my Psy.D. in 2018 and also completed a postdoctoral fellowship, gave me opportunities to broaden and deepen this lens. I have worked with a wide range of individuals, couples, and families in terms of age, race and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability, immigration status, national origin, and other aspects of personal identity. I work from a variety of clinical approaches, centering on psychodynamic/psychoanalytic and incorporating trauma- and attachment-informed, meditative, creative/expressive, and body-oriented practices.

I'm also passionate about advocating for mental health beyond the therapy room through leadership, teaching, and writing. For my graduate work toward advancing minority psychology, I was recognized by the American Psychological Association’s Minority Fellowship Program (MFP). In recent years, I have taught, mentored, and supervised psychology graduate students in the Wright Institute Psy.D. program and also worked as a staff member of our Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). I'm also a past Chair of the Division on Practice in the Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA).