
People without hope not only don't write novels, but what is more to the point, they don't read them. They don't take long looks at anything, because they lack the courage. The way to despair is to refuse to have any kind of experience, and the novel, of course, is a way to have experience. By, Flannery O' Conner

The way of believing does not come easy, their are times where there is trouble, puzzles missing a piece, but one must not stop believing or give up hope, for that is part of the way to go to heaven. But if one believes, but does not have faith, thou shall not go to heaven. For this is the truth, and no one has any excuse to not have faith or believe. For they should have faith. Their are times where there is trouble, puzzles missing a piece, but that piece shall come together with ease if... if you have faith. - Selah

"When you think things are bad, when you feel sour and blue, when you start to get mad... you should just do what I do... Just tell yourself, Duckie... you're really quite lucky! Some people are much more.. Oh, ever so much more... Oh, muchly much-much more unlucky than you! " - Dr. Suess

A Friend

A friend is something you will never forget,

when your high and low or have nowhere to go, your friend is always there.

A friend is someone you will always love,

cause when your sad and down, and start to frown, your friend is always there.

A friend is somewhere in your path,

waiting for you to come, when they are high and low, have nowhere to go and is sad and down, and starts to frown.

You will be there, your a friend to them. - Selah

Mother Is The Best

My Mom is really great; She's as sweet as can be; When I need some help, I know she's always there for me. Mom loves me all the time, Even when I'm a pest; She always takes good care of me; my mother is the best. -Unknown

My dog is my best friend, always listening, always watching. My dog is my best fan, always cheering me on, always staying positive. My dog is my best come to, always makes me feel better, always makes me laugh. My dog is my protector, always stays loyal, always makes sure I am safe. I love my dog, as my dog loves me. My dog is my best friend. -Selah