My Rules For Living

As you all can see, the picture on this page say's my rules. This is a big thing in life you have all got to remember in life. You cannot let other people just control you and tell you what to do. If you do then your life will be miserable and or they will die and you will not know what to do. I have gone through a lot of things and are still going through a lot of things in life. That is why I am writing this. Not just because my teacher required it.

One of the rules I keep in my life is to keep my head up. This is one rule I constantly remind myself to do. You can't just morn for what has happened and keeps happening. If you do that you will not get stronger. Think about it this way, if you do not keep your head up in life, you will drown. My parents are divorced and my parents still argue. They are having to go to court for it. I used to drown, not keep my head up and that made me a miserable person to be with. All you would hear is how miserable my life was. I had no compassion on how bad other peoples lives were. Do you want to be that person? The person who nobody wants to be with? With me this only lasted a couple of days because my mom saw it and helped me deal with it. But I cannot answer for you. Will you drown or keep your head up? I know hard times. I am not one of those people who is lucky and has all good times and I don't want to be. Here is another thing. I am sure you have heard this a lot, but I will say this again. It IS OK to cry. This definitely does not count for putting your head down. Sometimes you just need to cry and it makes you even stronger when you do. It shows you are not afraid to cry. If you follow this rule then you will not have a miserable life, no, you would have a good and a mature life. Please follow this rule, not just for me, for you.

Another one of my rules is to laugh at the things that people say that are mean. You need to let go of things in life. I am still learning this, but it is a need for life. My stepmom says a lot of mean things to me and I am learning to let it go. Laugh. What people will tell you in life is not always going to be true. Laugh at them. One of the things that my Nana will tell me is that when you hear people talking about you in a mean way, laugh at them. Boy, that will make them confused. Some will even make friends with you. This is a good way to be picked on less and get more friends.

My last really important rule is to be who you are. Do not be another person who looks cool and acts cool but is not cool. I really like drawing and reading. I have parents who are divorced and are still argue and is going to court. This is my life. If I acted like it was all right all the time that would be lying. I know that you do not want to show the bad side of your life. But do not act like everything is fine when it is not. People do this a lot on social media. People will start to look up them, and then something will go wrong and people will not like you or want to even be with you. This is one of the reasons why you should not act like this. Another reason is because if you act perfect you can become a bully to other people or you will feel some loneliness. You can feel like you are not wanted. You do not want that. I know ups and downs and I also it is very hard to hide some downs. I do not say you should act like everything is not perfect, otherwise you will get made fun of. But do not always feel like you have to be perfect in front of people.

I hope this speech has helped you make up some rules for your life and who you should be. Always be proud of who you are and always be who you are. Laugh, have fun sometimes. It is OK to cry, but it is also OK to be happy. I hope you have a great day and remember the 3 most important rules. Keep your head up, laugh at the things that hurt you and be who you really are.