
How to Cure Coughs Quickly (Informational essay)

By: Selah Foust

Have you ever gone to school or to where you work where you start coughing? Or at home where your parents say, you need to go to bed early, you are coughing constantly. Terrible and embarrassing. If you suffer from coughs and want to get rid of them, I suggest you start reading this essay.

If you have had coughs, you probably had to have something to stop it here are some examples, tea (sadly not sweet tea), garlic, cough medicine. All of these taste terrible, so let's think of a new solution. Dark chocolate. If you do not like dark chocolate, you can also have milk chocolate. They all have theobromine in them. Which comes from coca. Unsweetened dark chocolate has about 450 mg of theobromine in it, sweetened dark chocolate has about 150 mg, and milk chocolate has about 60 mg in it. So either way, you are going to get theobromine even if you don’t like dark chocolate. By the way, if you get headaches a lot, eat some chocolate and it will help you. This has been proved by science.

For all the people who like trying to do things naturally, here is another way to help cure coughs, honey. Honey is a natural way to help cure coughs, and I do not know a person who does not like honey. You can take it by itself, you can mix it with warm lemon water, these are the most recommended and helpful ones. Honey works just as well as cough medicine, it is natural, and it just tastes good. This has also been proved, and it works, but the evidence in this case is hard to find. There are many theories on how honey helps coughs, like for example, the thickness and the sweetness helps or the honey’s antioxidants help. Children can have one spoonful a night, while adults can have the drink this paragraph suggests or just more honey than children do. This is because adults need more since they are older.

Probiotics do not directly help coughs, but they help fight the infections that cause the cough. Probiotics come in food’s mostly. Foods like asparagus, bananas, yogurt, maple syrup, and other healthy foods. You can take medications that are meant to give you probiotics, but I would rather suggest to stick to eating foods that have probiotics in them naturally, then to swallow a pill that they put probiotics in. This is because you can get more probiotics in healthy foods, rather than in probiotics. This is also because people can put other things in these pills that are not good for you, or they can put drugs that can make you addicted to them. Probiotics can also help other illnesses, not just coughs. They can really help any infection or disease. It does not matter.

Now you can use these ways to help cure your coughs. When you have a cough again, I suggest you try these methods, see if they work, and if they taste good! If these paragraphs help with your coughs, I hope you are glad that you read this essay. Kids who have read this, I also suggest that you eat some chocolate before your parents find out!

P.S If you see this part, I want to let you know cough drops do not truly help if you do not get the right kinds of cough drops. I know this because the cough drops that taste best, normally do not work. If you are coughing constantly or you have a congested cough, I suggest you take Cepacol. This medication will numb your throat so that there is no pain and will stop your coughing. This tastes bad at first, but you will get used to it. This is the one I used: Cepacol, extra strength, sugar free, in red package. For more information hook it up on the internet.

As you can see on the package, this is sugar free, it relieves pain, it is fast acting, and it has maximum numbing. This does say sore throat, but it can also help coughs.

If and Bud ( argumentative essay )

I picked Bud, Not Buddy and the If poem because they have lots of figurative language and sentences that mean the same thing. Sometimes it is difficult understanding figurative language so I can help you understand it. I also picked them because one of them is a book and one is a poem. It is sometimes difficult for me to understand a poem so I might as well practice!

One theme that both texts have is what to do in life. I can prove this by saying from the if poem “ If you can wait, and not be tired by waiting”. From Bud, Not Buddy, it says” A flower in waiting, waiting for just the right warmth and care to open up. It’s a little fist of love waiting to unfold and to be seen by the world”. These two pieces of text connect because Bud was waiting but he was not tired of it and it says that in the if poem.

Another main theme in the text’s is to not give up. I know this because in the If poem it says “ To serve your turn long after they are gone, and so hold on when there is nothing in you, except the will which says hold on! In the book Bud, not Buddy it say's " Man I found some family and he was gone before we could really get to know each other." I started walking. If I hurried I could get breakfast at the mission. They can compare by never giving up. They can be tired or they loose something they loved dearly. They still keep going though, no matter how hard it is.

The last theme I am going to do is they always have a plan. If their plan does not work they make another plan, no matter the situation. I know this because in the If poem it says If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same". That can also mean if your plan does not work out, that it is OK cause you are fine with that and you can make a new plan. In Bud, Not Buddy it says " I was glad I didn't take anything out of my suitcase, 'cause it looked like I might be making a break for the street again." That is a plan, if he does not have to he will not, but if he does he will.

This is how the poem and the book connects in some ways, their is always more though, so keep looking for more ways. The ways that it connects can be different in different perspectives, I did it from my perspective. The book also can connect to the Steve Jobs speech or to Barack Obama's speech. Same with the poem. I hope you enjoyed reading this and I also hope you find more ways they can connect!

Homelessness ( informational Essay )

As I tell you about homelessness, I want you to know I have seen a guy who is homeless. He rides up and down the roads with his wheelchair, helping people, and getting strong. One of my sisters friends knows him, and he is a really great guy. If you ever see him, know that he always helps others, not his self.

Homelessness is a problem that the world has, so how do we stop it or help it? I mean, there are more than 100 million people homeless, so how do we make a difference. Lets start simple, you can make homeless baggies, give money to homeless shelters, or give money to the actual people who are homeless. Step two, tell people the problem of homelessness, if people know how bad it really is, they might start to make a change. Step three start to write letters or notes to people who could make a change to this ( even the government or the president). Step four, be a leader. Show them that kids ( or a adult) can make a change. If you do that, people will start to notice you.

Here are some things that you should know about homelessness. About 3.5 million people are homeless each year in the United States of America. Out of that, 1.5 million kids are homeless in the USA. A lot of homeless adults struggle with alcohol problems and a lot can have mental or physical illnesses, so if you see somebody who is homeless always be alert. Sometimes when they have to much alcohol, they can get into a fight with other people. If you see this, call the police. Some "homeless" people will try to make you give something to them. Do not listen to them or only give a little money to them.

Always try to help people who are homeless but remember to be alert and cautious. You never know what could happen. One last piece of advice, always let a adult know where you are before you go anywhere or have a adult with you. Either one works. Remember, you can always make a big change in this world.

Do The RIGHT Thing (youth violence)

Youth violence is a problem we have in every country. Now, this does not just happen in kids, but kids are going to be the the main focus in this essay. You have also have probably seen youth violence. I have, but not much. So, what are some of the causes of youth violence and what will you do about it?

Let’s define what the definition of violence means. It can either mean behavior of physical force wanting to hurt someone or something, or strength of emotion with destructive or a very unpleasant force. For example, a person bullying someone at school with hurtful words and beating him up on the way to school. So now that we know the definition of violence, let’s move on to how violence has affected other peoples life.

Hearing stories on how children have hurt and killed themselves because of violence is really sad. They mostly do this when other kids bully them and also when violence happens at home. Luckily I do not get bullied and physical violence do not happen at home. But I do know other kids who do get bullied and also have physical violence at home. Kids who bully others, usually are either taking their anger out on another kid, were bullied in the past as other kids, or to “gain power" over other kids.

I do not see or hear about physical violence a lot, so I will do a fictional example. On the way to school every morning, a group of kids meet by the bus stop. A kid alone, passing by the gang tries to act unnoticed, but nothing goes unnoticed by this gang. They grab him and start beating him up, when he tries to get away, they beat him up more. Your standing behind a bush panicked, what should you do to stop them? You can’t just go up to them and say stop. They would beat you up more. You see a house nearby and decide to get a adult from there. A adult answers the door and you tell them what is happening. They run out and stop the gang, the gang never messes with that kid again. This is what happened to my nana, except there was no adult and there was a different setting.

What can you do to stop youth violence? The number one thing is to get a adult if you can, the second thing is to scream for help, and the third thing if you are to scared to scream, is to get evidence. Try to help the kid as much as you can. Imagine if you were in that mess. What do you do if you are the victim of the fight?If I were you, I would scream till my voice was hurt, cover my head, and try to run. That might not be you, but if you are in the middle of a gang, try to get a adult and or run. Also hide, if you can.If you are part of a gang, please try to get out. What gangs can do is terrible and sad. Get a adult to be with you when you say I do not want to be with you anymore, otherwise, they might beat you up to. Try to avoid them as much as possible and if you see them beating up another kid, get help.

Some of the bullying and or violence can also be solved by some of the things at school. For example, my school does uniforms, this means there is little to none of being made fun of or getting beat up because of what you are wearing. Some other things can help too, but I’ll let you think of some other examples. I am not asking for all of us to look, live, and wear things that are all the same, but it can help in some areas.

As you can see we have answered all of the questions that are in the paragraphs. Now you probably understand what to do when you see youth violence and why it is important to stop. Many kids suffer from youth violence and many get hurt, sometimes even disabled. Please help stop this terrible thing that is happening in this world. Thank you!

-Bullying is a big problem in this world, but you have to solve it piece by piece. -Selah

- Be a peacemaker in this big, wide, world. -Selah

-Respect for others is the only rule you need. -Selah


( Activist Essay)

Bullying is a big problem we will have for a long time, maybe even forever. It happens anywhere, anytime, and to anyone. Approximately 3.2 million students get bullied each year and about 160,000 kids skip school because of bullying. That’s a lot! So what can you do to stop this huge problem that is affecting so many people.

The first problem we have to figure out is why kids are bullying others. There can be multiple reasons why, but the most common ones are either being bullied themselves, having a tough time at home/school, trying to look “cool”, or trying to get attention. If you see someone being bullied, definitely try to help them, but also try to help the child who bullied the other. There always is a reason for bullying. No matter what.

The second problem we need to solve is why kids get bullied. Some of the reasons why are because of racism, grades, there background,disabilities, low self esteem, and beliefs. Most kids do not tell adults because they do not want to get in trouble or get called a tattle tale. In some extreme cases, they get threatened.

What do you do if you are in a situation where you are getting bullied? The number one thing is to get an adult’s attention if you can, the second thing is to scream for help ( in extreme cases), and the third thing to do is to tell someone what’s been happening and who’s doing it. Try to get out of the situation before it gets dangerous. Tell your parents, teachers, and principal too.

What can you do if you see bullying going on? The most helpful thing to do if you are a kid is to get a adult. If you are a adult, then try to get them separated. The last thing you want is for someone to get hurt. Reach out to the students, get help for both of them, and make sure it does not happen again.

Some of the bullying can be solved by simple things. Like someone getting made fun of for their haircut. This can be solved by getting the same haircut, because then it’s hard for them to make fun of you. Especially if you are a adult. Or if someone was being made fun of because of disabilities. If you go up to them (the person with the disability) and start talking to them, the bullies will back off.

As you can see, there is a big problem in this world, and it’s called bullying, but we can stop this piece by piece. You can help other people, in fact make their day much better by stopping this. Imagine a world where there was no such thing as bullying. That might happen if a lot of people help stop bullying.

Thank you. - Selah

Should medical help and care become free for everyone?

( Argumentative Essay)

I say no, the reasons why you will see in the paragraphs, and I am sure you will hang around for more because you think I am crazy. Well, imagine a world where that sort of thing was the case. It is bad, really bad. There would be less heartache at first, but then… well you’ll see.

Well, first of all, if everything was free, it would not cost money. This would cause less money (if none) to buy supplies. If we have low supplies or no supplies you would not be able to get the supplies needed without money. Most of this money comes from paying the hospitals/clinic for your visits. This means we would eventually run out of everything.

Second of all, doctors would either lose their jobs, or they would leave their jobs. They would do this because they would be payed less or not at all because we would not have to pay them. The manager could not pay the doctors. They cannot put food on the table without money to buy it. This would mean we would eventually lose all of our doctors.

Third of all, after a little while it would get really chaotic. A lot of them would be turning you away. Without the right supplies, doctors and money they would all shut down. This would mean pharmacies would shut down. So, and so on.This would mean more than ever people would die.

As you can see from these paragraphs, I am not crazy. Their are reasonable reasons why we should not have free medical care. The whole world would shut down, eventually. That means us too. I hope you like my essay.