Activist Project

Bullying is not an easy task to fix, that is why we will need as much activists as we can get. It is not the most comforting thing to do either, but do as you must to help fix this huge problem in our world.


Bullying is a big problem we will have for a long time, maybe even forever. It happens anywhere, anytime, and to anyone. Approximately 3.2 million students get bullied each year and about 160,000 kids skip school because of bullying. That’s a lot! So what can you do to stop this huge problem that is affecting so many people.

The first problem we have to figure out is why kids are bullying others. There can be multiple reasons why, but the most common ones are being bullied themselves, having a tough time at home/school, trying to look “cool”, or trying to get attention. If you see someone being bullied, definitely try to help them, but also try to help the child who bullied the other. There always is a reason for bullying. No matter what.

The second problem we need to solve is why kids get bullied. Some of the reasons why are because of racism, grades, their background,disabilities, low self esteem, and beliefs. Most kids do not tell adults because they do not want to get in trouble or get called a tattle tale. In some extreme cases, they get threatened.

What do you do if you are in a situation where you are getting bullied? The number one thing is to get an adult’s attention if you can, the second thing is to scream for help ( in extreme cases), and the third thing to do is to tell someone what’s been happening and who’s doing it. Try to get out of the situation before it gets dangerous. Tell your parents, teachers, and principal too.

What can you do if you see bullying going on? The most helpful thing to do if you are a kid is to get a adult. If you are a adult, then try to get them separated. The last thing you want is for someone to get hurt. Reach out to the students, get help for both of them, and make sure it does not happen again.

Some of the bullying can be solved by simple things. Like someone getting made fun of for their haircut. This can be solved by getting the same haircut, because then it’s hard for them to make fun of you. Especially if you are a adult. Or if someone was being made fun of because of disabilities. If you go up to them (the person with the disability) and start talking to them, the bullies will back off.

As you can see, there is a big problem in this world, and it’s called bullying, but we can stop this piece by piece. You can help other people, in fact make their day much better by stopping this. Imagine a world where there was no such thing as bullying. That might happen if a lot of people help stop bullying. Thank you. - Selah

Bullying Poem

The first thing I see,

Walking into my school,

Is a kid crying,

Weeping for mercy.

Another kid beating him up,

Paying no attention to the pleas.

Is this the place we have come to?

Full of people who are so cruel?

Or are there others like me,

Trying to stop a world full of bullies and hate.

Trying to give a world full of peace and joy.


- Be a peacemaker in this big, wide, world.


Facts about Bullying

What to do when you are bullied

  • 3.2 million people are bullied each year.

  • 160,000 kids skip school each day to escape bullying.

  • 1 in 4 teachers do not see anything wrong with bullying.

1. Tell a adult.

2. Try to avoid them.

3. Ignore.

4. Walk away.

5. Stay calm.

Help Stop Bullying

By: Selah Foust

click to go to link to slide about bullying.