Change your Password

If you don't remember your password. Please contact the Tech Specialist from your school here @Technology Department Contact to reset your password. 

Once the Tech Department has reset your password, you will be provided with a temporarily password.  You will use this password as your "current password" in order to reset it to something of your choice. 

Please follow the instructions below to complete the password reset process.

Changing your Password on a Chromebook after being reset by the Technology Department

3. Once you've clicked the Kiosk app, a new window will pop up directing your to sign into your outlook account. 

4. You will need to put your student ID number followed by 

5. Follow the rest of the prompted steps to reset your password. 

6. Once you've reset your password, reset your Chromebook. 

As always, if you need any help with this you can reach out to the Technology Department @ Technology Department Contacts

Changing your password on any Computer after being reset by the Technology Department

Changing your password from any Computer if you don't need your password reset by the Technology Department 

If you know your old password  but would like to change your password. Follow the following steps. 

4. Once you are at the page above, put in your old password followed by your new password of your choice, then click submit.