Using Chromebooks

Using your school provided Chromebook

Once you power on the device at home for the first time you will be asked to sign into your home wireless (WiFi) network.  Choose your network from the list, type in your network password, and click “Connect”.

On the next screen you will be prompted to enter an email. You will notice the portion is already typed in.  All you need to do is type in the students 111 number and hit next. Then enter the student’s password and hit next.

If the student does not know their 111 number or password please contact your student's teacher.

Changing Settings on your Chromebook

Many of the settings on your Chromebook are managed by the Technology Department and cannot be changed.  However, there are a couple of useful settings that can be changed to make using the Chromebook easier.

Getting to the Settings

Click on the clock on the bottom right corner of your Chromebook screen.  A menu appears with a "gear" icon near the top.  This is the Settings icon.


To change the Chromebook’s language to something other than English, open the Settings and click Advanced on the left side list, then Languages and Input.  On the top of the Settings window on the right side you will see Languages and Input appear.  Click on it.

From here you can choose the language you want the Chromebook to display, just choose Add Language and select the languages that you want to use on the Chromebook.  Once the languages are set, you can click on the icon to drag the language you want to use the most to the top of the list.

Other Useful Resources