March Scholarships

(Other national March scholarships HERE

South Dakota Farm Bureau Scholarship 

Junior Achievement Scholarship Application 

Dacotah Bank Scholarship 

​*Huron Regional Medical Center Scholarship*

Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation Scholarships

Bellator Titan Scholarship 

*Build Dakota Scholarship*

First Bank & Trust Community Scholarship

American Legion Auxiliary Scholarships

South Dakota American Legion Educational Scholarship

USDA 1890s Scholars Program

SD FFA Scholarships 

Beauty Schools Directory

South Dakota National Guard Scholarships

Hagan Scholarship Foundation

Hatterscheidt Scholarship (Northern State University)

First Dakota Bank First Choice Scholarship

Venture Communications Scholarship

Curtis Marvin Hohn Legacy Scholarship

Doodle for Google (contest)

Horatio Alger Association Scholarship 

Horatio Alger Career and Technical Education Scholarship 

Coach Russ Morrell Memorial 

Cogley-Buffington Certified Property and Casualty Underwriters Fund (Sioux Falls Community Foundation)

Fool Soldier Scholarship  (Sioux Falls Community Foundation)

Emily's Hope Scholarship

Fred and Marie Christopherson Scholarship  (Sioux Falls Community Foundation)

Joe Foss "An American Hero" Scholarship  (Sioux Falls Community Foundation)

Kimberly Rose Means - Native American Council of Tribes Scholarship  (Sioux Falls Community Foundation)

Norman W. Ranshau Memorial Scholarship

Osmann Family Native American Scholarship (Sioux Falls Community Foundation)

Siouxland Chapter CFMA Scholarship (Sioux Falls Community Foundation)

SD Fire Service Scholarship

*Weskota Foundation Scholarship*

SD Critical Needs Teaching Scholarship 

First Premier Bankcard 

Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation 

Perry & Doreen Evans Scholarship 

Horatio Alger Denny Sanford Scholarship

SD Cattlemen's Foundation Scholarship

*Santel Communications - Ray Judy Memorial*

South Dakota Society for Technology in Education Scholarship

The Hatterscheidt Foundation MTC Scholarship 

Service First Federal Credit Union Scholarship

SDACDE Karst Scholarship 

Seed for Success Scholarships

Janice M Scott Memorial Scholarship

Cobell Undergraduate Scholarship 

Northern Hills DAV Scholarship 

Clark County Riders MC Scholarship 

ILT Tom Martin Memorial Scholarship

The First National Bank in Sioux Falls

Boom and Bucket's Scholarship

Dr. Ken Gifford Memorial Scholarship 

Oahe Racers Association Scholarship Application 

VFW Auxiliary Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest 

SD Noxious Weed Fighter Scholarship

*Build Dakota Scholarship Partner Application - Muth Electric*