Lanakila Elementary School

Mental Health Series Calendar
January Calendar of Mental Health Series

Ask a Therapist
Free, anonymous opportunity to ask questions to a licensed family therapist!
Check out our KMR SBBH/Counseling Website for free resources and events!
Here to Help- Parent Guidance & Resources for Mental Health

Take advantage of a FREE Tutoring Program!

Welcome Back!
We're excited to welcome our students and families back to school!
Please read the attached letter from Principal Higa. Important dates and links are attached:
Hope to see you at Supply Drop Off on Thursday, August 1st!

School Supply List
SY 2024-2025

School Calendar
SY 2024-2025
Visit this site to apply and see if your child qualifies for Free or Reduced Meals!

Kindergarten and New Family Orientation Slides
If you were unable to attend our Kindergarten and New Family Orientation, you can find helpful information in this document!

Kindergarten Testing Schedule
SY 2024-2025

Kindergarten Supply List
SY 2024-2025

Updated DOH Respiratory Virus Guidance
SY 2024-2025
NEW School Number!
Please keep our new school phone numbers handy:
School Office: (808) 307-9200
Attendance Line: (808) 307-9210
Website Address:
Panorama SEL Survey Link
Thank you, Grades 3-5 students for taking the time to complete your SEL Survey!