Attendance Policy & Procedures

(Rev. January 4, 2012)

Regular attendance in school is critical to our children’s academic success. §302A-1132, Attendance Compulsory, Exceptions, Hawaii Revised Statues (HRS), requires a child who is five years of age of any school year to attend either a public or private school unless properly exempted under specified conditions pursuant to HRS and Chapter 12, Hawaii Administrative Rules, relating to compulsory attendance exceptions.

Absences and tardies, whether excused or unexcused, prevent maximum learning from taking place. It is the school’s responsibility and authority to investigate and take appropriate action for non-attendance and tardies. Also, your child’s attendance is an official education record. A referral to Family Court may be considered for any student when continuous efforts and interventions fail to address chronic absenteeism, truancy, or education neglect, please refer to the chart below:

Number of School Days Absent or Tardy (Excused and/or Unexcused) Possible School Actions

5 days

· Receive written notification from school

10 or more days

· Receive written notification from school

· Home visits from school officials and other DOE personnel

· Referral to DOE Social Worker

· Referral to Family Court to address chronic absenteeism, truancy, or educational neglect

The following words are defined as follows:

“Absent” means the student is not physically present in school or in a scheduled class for more than half of the school day or class period except if the student is on an authorized activity.

“Tardy” means the student arrives to school or class after school has started. Koko Head Elementary school starts at 8:05 am.

“Excused Absence” is defined when:

· Student is sick – If the absence due to illness is more than three days, a doctor’s note shall be provided within 48 hours from the first day of return.

· Death in Family – Immediate family member only (parents, legal guardian, siblings, grandparents.) Submittal of obituary may be required.

“Unexcused Absence” includes, but is not limited to the following:

· Babysitting sibling or other children

· Family vacations

· Personal business

· Parent request without explanation

· Youth camps

· Extracurricular events and competitions

· Funeral services of family members not part of the immediate family.

Please utilize the scheduled intersessions, holidays, and breaks for your vacations and personal business. To reiterate, absences and tardies, whether excused or unexcused, prevent maximum learning from taking place. Thank you for your support and understanding.