The Academies of Farrington High School

The Academies of Farrington High School prepare us to pursue our passions in a safe, trusting environment focused on rigorous and relevant real world learning. Our voices are heard and we are empowered; given opportunities to learn real life skills that prepare us for college, career, and life.

Academies of Farrington.mp4

Farrington High School Graduate Profile

College Ready

  • Complete the college continuum

  • Score Advanced or Proficient on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Suite/End of Course (EOC) exam

  • Achieve a minimum score of 21 on the American College Test (ACT)

  • Obtain at least three college credits from Dual-credit, Early College, or AP classes

Career Ready

  • Complete the career continuum

  • Achieve 90% daily attendance each year

  • Complete an academy pathway

  • Obtain a professional certification

Community Ready

Communication, Character, Contribution to Community

  • Complete 40 hours of community service

  • Maintain clean Chapter 19 student misconduct record

  • Participate in at least one co-curricular or extracurricular activity with written reflection

Career and Technical Education

Career and Technical Education (CTE) is an educational program that aligns academic standards with technical knowledge and skills to prepare students for careers in current or emerging occupations and further education. The structure allows students the opportunity to explore and learn through the practical application of academic and technical skills, knowledge needed for high wage and high skill careers, and/or postsecondary education.

CTE is the only educational program in which course content is guided by business and industry input.

Common elements — critical thinking, new technologies, real-world settings, hands-on activities, and the application of learning to practical problems, for example — align with a growing emphasis on 21st century skills — skills that are relevant to all academic subject areas and that can be applied in educational, career, and civic contexts throughout a student’s life.

Career Pathways at Farrington:

  • Arts and Communication (Creative Arts and Technology Academy)

  • Business & Natural Resources (Business Academy)

  • Health (Health Academy)

  • Industrial and Engineering Technology (Engineering Academy)

  • Public and Human Services (Public and Human Service Academy)