DJ Corchin

DJ Corchin

DJ Corchin is an author and illustrator of over 24 children's books. A Thousand NO’s illustrated by Dan Dougherty launched to wonderful reviews and won the Eric Hoffer Award for Best Children’s Book. Additional award-winning titles include The I Feel... Children’s Series, The Band Nerds Book Series, and If You Find A Unicorn, It Is Not Yours To Keep. He writes and draws from his home in Oak Park, IL where he lives with family.
Audience: Grades PreK-5

There was a little girl who had a great idea. It was the most amazing, superb, best idea ever!

NO? Wait, what do you mean NO? NO again?

All those NOs become the building blocks for the biggest YES ever.

A Thousand No's shows what amazing things can happen when we work with others and don't give up.