Career/ Jobs

Permit Information

Students may pick up a work permit in the career center for processing from July 18, 2022- June 2, 2023.  work permits may be dropped off/ picked up  before school, at lunch, or after school in the career center.

During summer hours work permits must be dropped off/ picked up from the learning center.  For more information on work permits please visit this website.

Career Advising provides career interest surveys (red arrow) and a list of career resources (green) for free.  Simply click on the link above, log in with Google, then click the word career (yellow arrow) at the top of the page.

Job Corps

Job Corps is the largest Free residential education and job training program for young adults ages 16–24.  Learn more here.

California Conversation Corps

The California Conservation Corps (CCC) is the oldest and largest conservation corps in

the nation. The CCC’s mission is to protect and enhance California’s natural resources and

communities while empowering and developing young adults through hard work

and education.

CCC at a Glance                   CCC Work Programs

California Gamily LIfe Center- Job Training Programs

Job Corps- Job Training