GCSE Clinic

Every Tuesdays, at lunch in L15

This club is especially for Year 11 students who want to work towards their best grade for their GCSE but we will accept any year 10 that need our help.

It is every Tuesday, all teachers are here to answer questions or help you with anything French related. Happy to be here for you and help you attain this grade you are aiming for. 

Clubs poster (3).pdf

Come to the clinic, teachers will be here to explain grammar to you, maybe in another way. They will provide you with exercises for you to train and master it.

Come to the clinic,  teachers will be able to help you on a revision plan and strategies to cope with the workload of French revision.

Come to the clinic, you will be able to work at your own rythme: on your own or with other students. You will also always have a teacher on hands to ask questions when you need to.

Come to the clinic, you will be able to review past assessments with a teacher and agree on the best way forward to progress to the level you want to be at. 

We will then provide you with resources to work on either a particular skill or structure for you to improve even further.