Transition from Year 11

Cher.e.s élèves,

Bravo and a genuine well done for choosing such a contemporary and captivating subject.

We very much look forward to working with you and embarking on this rewarding and enriching A-level French course.

It will not only give you the opportunity to develop a multitude of skills and competencies but also to enhance your cultural and linguistic knowledge and understanding. This will also allow you to become an all rounded student equipped for the world of work and beyond.

Indeed, the teaching approach in the French department at Judd fosters and focuses on a range of transferable skills including communication, critical thinking, research skills and creativity, which are valuable to the individual and society.

For you to be able to prepare thoroughly for September, we would strongly invite you to read carefully the following information, which includes course information and resources available to you.

We hope that you find the information useful and exciting.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time should you have any questions.

A bientôt, bonnes vacances et au plaisir de vous rencontrer!

The French department team (Mme. Figureau - Head of French) (M. Villeléger - French Teacher & Head of Evans)

1) Développez votre vocabulaire 

Lists, quiz, flashcards,... 

Dictation online

Lists, quiz, flashcards,... 

Lists, quiz, flashcards, ....

2) Révisez ou améliorez votre grammaire

Website with Grammar & Vocabulary exercises

Grammar baseline Test

Oxford AS A-level textbook (available on Kerboodle)

Oxford A2 A-level textbook (available on Kerboodle)

Hodder Grammar 2 A-level workbook

Website with grammar and topic exercises

Grammar & Translation Workbook, pdf version in the Year 12/13 pages

Heinemann A level French Grammar Practice

Hodder Grammar 1 A-level workbook

Hodder French Writing Skills 

Revision website for Year 11s

Hodder French A-level textbook 

Hodder Workbook for Revision & Practice - Year 12 topics (Paper 1 & 3)

Hodder Workbook for Revision & Practice - Year 13 topics (Paper 1 & 3)

3) Découvrez-en un peu plus la culture francophone 

Films & Séries

Entre les murs - Laurent Cantet

Film studied in Year 12 with Mme. Figureau

Sur Netflix:

Sur Amazon Prime:

Sur Youtube:

Sur d'autres plateformes:

Plateforme de VOD francophone mondiale
Chaîne d'information et d'actualité


No & Moi - Delphine De Vigan

Book studied in Year 13 with M. Villeléger

Autres ressources:

Online library, access newspapers, magazines but also books.

French shop that sells books, games, dvds, ...

French shop that sells books, games, dvds, ...

French shop that sells books, games, dvds, ...


Sur Apple Music

Sur Spotify

4) Restez connectés!

Podcast online to learn French

Both reading and listening exercises for all levels 

Online magazine

Radio podcast to learn French

Online newspaper

Sur Tiktok