Safe Walking Routes

Route #1 -- Platt Lane North to 200 North, East of 300 East

Shortest route to Platt Lane, walk west on Platt Lane to Northeast corner of school grounds.

Route #2 -- 100 South to 200 North, Main Street to 200 East

Shortest route to 100 South, continue on 100 South to 200 East. Walk in front of the fire station to the northwest corner of the school grounds.

or Shortest route to 200 East, use sidewalks southbound to the northwest corner of the school grounds.

Route #3 -- North of 200 North and East of Main Street

Shortest route to 200 East, cross 200 North at 200 East, continue southbound on 200 East to northwest corner of the school grounds.

Route #4 -- North of 100 South, West of Main Street

Shortest route to Main Street, continue on sidewalks along Main Street to 100 South. Cross Main Street at 100 South continue to 200 East. Walk in front of the fire station to the northwest corner of the school grounds.

Route #5-- 700 South to 100 South, West of Main Street

Shortest route to 100 South, cross Main Street at 100 South, continue to 200 East. Walk in front of the fire station to the northwest corner of the school grounds.

Route #6-- South of 700 South, West of Main Street

Shortest route to 50 West, follow 50 West northerly to Cemetery Lane, turn East and cross Main Street, continue eastbound to 300 East. Walk along 300 East to the southeast corner of the school grounds.

Route #7-- South of 300 South, East of Main Street

Shortest route to 300 East, continue Northerly along 300 East to the southeast corner of the school grounds.

or Shortest route to 300 South, continue along 300 South to the southwest corner of the school grounds.

Route #8-- 100 South to 300 South, Main Street to 300 East

Shortest route to 100 South continue to 200 East. Walk in front of the fire station to the northwest corner of the school grounds.

or Shortest route to 300 East continue Easterly to the southeast corner of the school grounds.

Route #9-- Center Street to 100 North, East of 200 East

Shortest route to 200 East, continue southbound on 200 East to northwest corner of the school grounds.

JuabSD | Mona Elementary | 260 East 200 South ~ Mona, UT 84645 | P.O. Box 9 | 435-623-2082 | 435-623-2661 (fax)