
Our form accepts all types of files!

Upload good docs, PDFs, and images below.

submit faq

What can I submit?

Anything! We accept all types of work, from writing to artwork to photography. Just remember to keep it school appropriate.

Who can submit work?

Anybody! We publish work from all members of Jenkintown MS/HS, including students grade 7-12 and teachers.

How can I submit physical artwork?

For drawings and paintings, take the piece to Mr. Slowik's room and ask him to scan it. For unscannable art (sculptures, large canvases, etc.), take a picture and upload it to the google form.

When will my work get posted?

If you send your work through this form or email it to either or, it will be posted within a week.

What if I want help editing my work?

Email your work to Evan and she can help you edit! Her email is She's happy to help you with any and all questions!