Grace talks about stuff

a small bit of writing

Hi everyone! First Literature related post on the blog Wooooo! I had to write this in English for a creative writing assignment and I liked it so much I thought I would share it with you! This is only chapter one and I'm still developing the story but I hope you all enjoy!


Small mechanical wirrs were heard from the lonely wall “It is September 6, 2026. Oven needs repairs, Sink needs repairs, fridge needs repairs…”. The house droned on and on, the mechanical yet melodic voice listing appliance after appliance. After the long list of homeware robotically repeated small mice made of copper and small mechanical parts emerged like people from a subway out of a small compartment in the wall, a light on each mouse turned red as they busied about like ants, cleaning up the dirt, mud and ash that was caked across the ground. As the mice scurried around one came across a few blades of grass, peaking out of a small pile of wet dirt. The mouse navigated around it and continued sucking up dirt but unbeknownst to the small robot it had sucked up a glowing green seed.

As the days passed on and the wind howled, more strange things began to happen. The little robot mice still worked day in and day out cleaning up the dirt from the ground while the patch of grass continued to bloom. The blades danced in the wind, swaying from side to side. More of the seeds had appeared and more had been unknowingly sucked up by cleaner mice, taking root in their dirt covered inner workings. The seeds grew fast, soon the entire inside of the first mouse was roots and vines. After more days passed, there was a large square of grass, clovers, and wildflowers the size of the old living room. Among all of it was a strange red sprout that seemed to always be growing. All the small robot rodents that had been inhabited by a seed were almost full of roots and vines until something happened, just two weeks after the initial seed.

After the long drone of the mechanical wall the mice emerged from their hole once again, but instead of wandering around and mindlessly vacuuming dirt they all gathered around a particular spot. They were all sat in a circle around a glowing red flower, it was huge by now, towering over the mice. Soon each of the small metal beings began to vibrate, the scrap metal pieces that made their bodies falling off to reveal new mice made of vines and from each of the eight mice a tall plant grew. The stems were so tall that the actual plant head was above the red flower. A mouse whose stem led up to a ferocious venus flytrap scurried up the flower to the center where all the lavender pollen was held, another mouse soon followed. This mouse had a plant that resembles a humble common daisy, but just like the venus fly trap, in its center was a ravenous mouth filled with teeth. All six other mice followed, each plant having a carnivorous mouth where the center would be. The unaffected cleaning mice had now emerged from the lonesome wall and began to dance around frantically, seeming to be affected by the flower. The venus flytrap atop a plant mouse seemed to stare at the mechanical counterparts before advancing toward them. The robot rodent it was after ran away and a small noise was emitted from it, akin to a fire alarm, but the vines and roots powering its attacker were too strong and it was eventually caught in the mouth of the venus flytrap.

Thank you all for taking the time to read, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and will stay tuned for other writing pieces, book and song analysis, and some video game recommendations! I'll see you all in the next post!

a short introduction

So, If you read my “About the Author” thing you would know who I am, but for those who didn't, hi, I’m Grace. I’m a 7th grader and I sometimes can talk a lot- anyways, this is you, the readers, introduction to me! I’m 12 years old and I've lived in Jenkintown all my life. Some of my main interests are Cookie Run Ovenbreak, Splatoon, Monster High, FNAF, Cult of the Lamb, Pokemon, and The Wild Robot. Probably a lot more but that's all off the top of my head. I’m in the GSA and, of course, the Lit Mag. I love writing stories and coming up with worlds that I can really immerse myself in and add all these little details to, like fairies that have special birds that they ride, teens with slowly developing powers, each character being unique and different. I listen to alot of music, mainly Melanie Martinez, The Living Tombstone, and Sodikken. That's a little bit about me, this can also serve as a Q&A post if people have any questions for me that I didn't answer here. Well, until next time, bye!