todoroki edit

by Carli Elliott

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Woman yelling at cat variation

by Cece Lassiter

New Year eve

by Lucille Block

It was New Year's Eve morning, and I for one was pumped. New Year fresh start, not in school but still. I was tired of being Bree the breeze. By the way my name is Brianna Gruew. Everyone thinks it’s spelled Gru from Despicable Me, but it isn’t. Anyway, I am a super-fast runner so I’m Bree the Breeze. New Years is all the much closer.

Today we are going to Above All which is really exciting. We, being me, my brother, his friend, my friend, and dad. Mom works all the time so she can’t do this kind of thing. Even on New Year's! Above All is soooo fun, and dad gets us all slushies at the end. I wanted a pop but they didn’t have one. On the way home we stop for lunch at Pie Five. Every time we go there we high five when our pies come. We say goodbye to our friends and make the joke that we won’t see them till next year. “You are so lucky our family does just about nothing for New Years!” said my friend. “Well, if my fam is serious, have you been to our Hanukkah parties?” I reminded her. “You’re right, bye Bree! Happy New Year's Eve!” exclaims Kailey from her porch. “Bye Kailey, I can’t believe I won’t see you till next year!” I joke.

It’s now time for our annual super fun Gruew marathon. What this means is, once our mom gets home, we do an obstacle course, a scavenger hunt, watch one movie, play some sports, pause for dinner, then dessert, and wait till the ball drops! This tradition started three years ago, when I was nine. My brothers were 12 and 14. Now they are 15 and 17, but they still participate. We get home and my oldest brother Charlie is already setting up the obstacle course. “Hey guys, how was the trampoline park?” asks Charlie. “It was super fun you should have seen Ethan doing a double front flip. It was soo cool!” I exclaim. “Whatever, you couldn’t have done any better, but you can’t do a flip, so I guess you would’ve been worse.” commented Ethan. “Guys, guys let’s start setting up, mom will be home in 20 minutes, we don’t have long.” my dad intercepts. We split up and everything is done. Mom just isn’t home yet. Then, dad breaks the news. “So, guys, mom has to work a bit longer and said that we should start without her.” dad says. “Ok, let’s get going!” Ethan exclaims. “Wait, but it’s New Year's Eve, why is she there anyway?” I ask. “She just has to finish some stuff up.” dad explains. So, we start, we go through the obstacle course in teams. Dad and I (cause he’s old), and Charlie and Ethan. We finish in record time. Dad and I finished first! We take a movie break and watch our favorite movie, The Karate Kid. Then, time for a dinner break! No dessert though saving it for the ball drop! We then move on to the scavenger hunt! Dad made all the clues. At the end he blindfolds us all and takes us somewhere. We have no idea where we are going. Then, while I have some thinking time, I wonder why mom isn’t here? She loves this the most out of us all.

But then, my thoughts are interrupted when dad says, “We’re here!” “Where?!” I practically scream. “Take off the blindfolds.” dad says. The next thing I see is something I will never forget. “Mom! How did you? What did you? Thank you sooooooooo much! This is awesome!!!!!” I exclaim. “The ball will drop in 15 minutes. The current time is 11:45.” says the ball drop machine thingy. I can’t believe that my parents got us into the ball drop. And they got us front row seats!! We are going to be on TV!! “We knew you guys have been raving about this since the dawn of time, so we got in. I took a lot of persuading and favors, so don’t expect this to happen again.” said Mom. “But what about our usual Rufus’s (aka sundae) and Truckers (aka ice cream sandwich) from Big Gay Ice Cream!” (Real ice cream shop.) Ethan exclaimed. Everyone knows he is a sucker for ice cream. “We thought about this and got your orders!” dad says happily. “Hello everyone, I’m Taylor Swift! Thanks for coming out! I have a special song prepared.” she says. “Thank you! Happy New Year's Eve!”

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! Happy New Year!!!🥳🎉🤩🌈🎇🎆

my Dog

By Larkin Boyd

my southern states

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