Social Skills

Elementary Social Emotional standards


Early Elementary (K-2)

Develop Self-Awareness and Self-Management Skills

SE1A-Identify and manage one’s emotions and behavior

1A. 1a. Recognize and accurately label emotions and how they are linked to behavior.

  1. Feelings face cards

  2. Feelings go fish or feeling matching

  3. Verbally express a feeling word and give accurate example of experience.

  4. Moody Monster Manor-app for IPAD

  5. Talking feeling doing game

  6. mirror reflection and facial reaction parroting

  7. Feelings hangman

1A 1b. Demonstrate control of impulsive behavior.

  1. Check in/Check out modified-measurement

  2. Double up candy activity (refer to Grant for more details)

  3. zoom/erp-group activity

  4. silent ball toss (refer to Grant for rules)-group activity

  5. Token talk (refer to grant for clarification)

  6. Really any board game requires control of impulsive behavior (playing with counselor, playing with peers, and then even explaining the game to peers)

  7. Zingo-board game

  8. Guess Who-board game

  9. Outburst Jr. -board game

  10. Classroom DOJO

  11. Role plays-create specific formats and create a different google doc to store

  12. Video modeling-create specific formats and create a different google doc to store

  13. Social stories-create specific formats and create a different google doc to store

  14. Thinking bubble talking bubble

SE1B-Recognize personal qualities and external supports.

1B.1a. Identify one’s likes and dislikes, needs and wants, strengths and challenges.

1B.1b. Identify family, peer, school, and community strengths.

SE1C-Demonstrate skills related to achieving personal and academic goals.

1C.1a. Describe why school is important in helping students achieve personal goals.

  1. List ways

1C.1b. Identify goals for academic success and classroom behavior.

Use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships

SE2A-Recognize the feelings and perspectives of others.

2A.1a. Recognize that others may experience situations differently from oneself.

2A.1b. Use listening skills to identify the feelings and perspectives of others.

SE2B-Recognize individual and group similarities and differences.

2B.1a. Describe the ways that people are similar and different.

2B.1b. Describe positive qualities in others.

SE2C-Use communication and social skills to interact effectively with others.

2C.1a. Identify ways to work and play well with others.

2C.1b. Demonstrate appropriate social and classroom behavior.

SE2D-Demonstrate an ability to prevent, manage, and resolve interpersonal conflicts in constructive ways.

2D.1a. Identify problems and conflicts commonly experienced by peers.

2D.1b. Identify approaches to resolving conflicts constructively.

Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts.

SE3A-Consider ethical, safety, and societal factors in making decisions.

3A.1a. Explain why unprovoked acts that hurt others are wrong.

3A.1b. Identify social norms and safety considerations that guide behavior.

SE3B-Apply decision-making skills to deal responsibly with daily academic and social situations.

3B.1a. Identify a range of decisions that students make at school.

3B.1b. Make positive choices when interacting with classmates.

SE3C-Contribute to the well-being of one’s school and community.

3C.1a. Identify and perform roles that contribute to one’s classroom.

3C.1b. Identify and perform roles that contribute to one’s family.

Middle School Social Emotional Learning

Second Step Middle School Remote Learning Advisory Guide

Supporting the social-emotional well-being of adolescents during the COVID-19 crisis is a critical challenge. This guide will help you use the advisory activities in the Second Step Middle School program to build an effective remote learning advisory program designed to meet your students’ social-emotional needs.

Second Step Middle School Remote Learning Advisory Guide

Second Step Middle School Advisory Activity Starter Pack

High School Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning Performance Descriptors 3A Consider ethical, safety, and societal factors in making decisions. Stage E Stage F Stage G 1. Describe how differing points of view affect your decision-making process. 2. Describe what it means to be dependable and why this is sometimes difficult (e.g., meeting deadlines, keeping commitments). 3. Explain why it is important to obey laws. 4. Analyze what it means to be responsible with regard to one’s family, friends, school community. 5. Evaluate conflicting points of view in making a decision. 1. Recognize that an individual is responsible for his/her behavior. 2. Identify the need for rules at school, home, and in society. 3. Analyze what it means to be responsible for one’s health. 4. Analyze the needs of others in planning how work or sharing goods should be divided (e.g., those with handicaps, those who are disadvantaged, and those with special abilities). 5. Analyze the risks of potentially dangerous situations. 6. Develop strategies to work things out rather than retaliate when you feel wronged. 1. Identify safe alternatives to risky behaviors (e.g., riding in a car with a drunk driver, riding a skate board in a dangerous place, resisting smoking or drugs). 2. Describe common socially accepted behavior in a variety of situations (e.g. attending a football game or concert joining a new group, going to a job interview, participating in class, etc.). 3. Define the roles of responsibility as a victim, bystander, perpetrator, rescuer in a situation. 4. Assess one’s own risk for various types of injury. 5. Make journal entries on how your actions have affected others. 6. Judge the seriousness of unethical behaviors (e.g., cheating, lying, stealing, plagiarism, etc.). Grade 6 (E-F-G) Grade 7 (F-G-H) Grade 8 (G-H-I) Grade 9-10 (H-I-J) Grade 11-12 (I-J) Social Emotional Learning Performance Descriptors 3A Consider ethical, safety, and societal factors in making decisions. Stage H Stage I Stage J 1. Recognize the impact of unethical or destructive behavior on family, friends, or loved ones. 2. Recognize the legal issues related to the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs by adolescents. 3. Analyze how media advertising influences consumer choices. 4. Consider how fairness and respect would influence planning, implementing, and evaluating a servicelearning project in your school or community. 5. Practice replacing beliefs about peer group norms that support irresponsible behavior with beliefs that support responsible behavior. 6. Analyze how a literary character or historical figure considered societal and ethical factors in making important decisions. 1. Explain how to reduce negative outcomes in risky situations. 2. Explain how laws reflect social norms and affect our personal decision making. 3. Analyze how personal decisions can affect your health and the health of others. 4. Examine how the depiction of violent acts in the media and entertainment might impact individuals and groups. 5. Show how social norms influence how we behave in different settings (e.g., hospitals, restaurants, sporting events). 6. Promote alcohol-free social events among peers. 1. Describe the value of resisting peer pressure that causes social or emotional harm to self or others. 2. Explain how a change in a current social policy (e.g., health care coverage for children, free public education, child care assistance for working families) would impact the behaviors of individuals and groups. 3. Evaluate the consequences for yourself and others of following ethical principles in your relationships. 4. Evaluate ethical issues involved in a social policy. 5. Predict how a jury of one’s peers would judge various behaviors. 6. Show how a service project contributes to the good of society. Grade 6 (E-F-G) Grade 7 (F-G-H) Grade 8 (G-H-I) Grade 9-10 (H-I-J) Grade 11-12 (I-J) Social Emotional Learning Performance Descriptors 3B Apply decision-making skills to deal responsibly with daily academic and social situations. Stage E Stage F Stage G 1. Identify challenges and obstacles to solving problems. 2. Identify healthy alternatives to risky behaviors. 3. Evaluate strategies to promote school success (e.g., identifying distractions, managing stress, and putting first things first). 4. Practice aligning nonverbal and verbal communication in refusing unwanted behavior. 5. Apply a decisionmaking model to deal with unwanted behavior. 1. Identify tools to manage time better. 2. Evaluate strategies for avoiding risky behavior (e.g., avoiding risky situations, ignoring negative peer pressure, suggesting alternative activities, and pointing out unacceptable consequences). 3. Use a homework organizer. 4. Demonstrate an ability to set priorities. 5. Demonstrate an ability to stay on task 6. Demonstrate an ability to complete assignments on time. 1. List qualities that contribute to friendships. 2. Describe the effects of procrastination and disorganization on academic outcomes. 3. Analyze how decision making skills improve your study habits. 4. Analyze each step of a decision-making process used in responding to problem scenarios. 5. Reflect in your journal on the consequences of your recent risk-taking behavior. 6. Use a decision log for 24 hours to identify influences on your health decisions. 7. Demonstrate refusal skills.

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