Grievance Reporting

The grievance procedure does not form part of our contract of employment. All records and proceedings under this procedure will be kept confidential. The grievance procedure is intended to provide team members  with an opportunity to raise problems or concerns about their work, working relationships or working environment and have them dealt with fairly and speedily. The grievance procedure is not intended to replace normal day-to-day contact between team members, and you are encouraged, wherever possible, to resolve any difficulties through constructive discussion with each other. It is anticipated that most of the issues can be resolved at this stage. However, there are occasions when a more formal approach may be needed in which case the following procedure should be used.

If it is not possible to resolve the matter informally or it is not appropriate, you should raise the matter in writing with your manager or, where this would not be appropriate, with the HR.

You will be invited to attend a meeting to discuss your grievance. This meeting will take place within 7 days of receipt of the grievance. There may be occasions when we require more information in order to understand the grievance or it may be necessary to conduct an investigation so that we can respond to the grievance. You should try to co-operate with us to gather this information and to complete this stage as soon as reasonably possible. You may attend the grievance meeting along with another team member (provided he/she consents). You should inform the person conducting the grievance meeting in advance of the name of the person accompanying you. After the grievance meeting and any necessary investigations, the manager will inform you in writing of his/her response to your grievance usually within 5 days.


If you are not satisfied with Josh Talks’s decision, you may, within seven days of receiving the grievance outcome, appeal to the person specified in the letter, usually the next level of seniority to the person hearing the grievance. You must set out the grounds of appeal and the basis of your objections to the original decision in writing. An appeal meeting will usually be held within seven days of receiving the written appeal. The person hearing the appeal will inform you of the outcome of the appeal in writing usually within 7 days of the meeting. This is the final stage of the grievance process.

You report the issue at