English Speaking App

Josh Skills is a product of Josh Talks. At Josh Skills, our goal is to help people speak in English without hesitation. It is based on our hypothesis that people will learn to speak in English not by knowing the technical aspects of the language but by speaking as much as possible. Therefore we have built the product to focus on 'Spoken' English.

What stage is the product at?

Each day, on average, 55 minutes per user of active time is spent on the Josh Skills app - we want to grow this to 2.5 hours. Until today, over 4,35,000 unique users have purchased a course on the Josh Skills app.

What's next?

So far, we have optimised for engagement and retention. We want to now focus on growth. We have been noticing an innate behavior in users to discuss (read: show off) the product to their friends. We want to build around this behavior to accelerate it.

How does the product function?

A user finds out about the app from a friend or from the Josh Talks YouTube channels. Downloads it and purchases the English course. (There are many courses on the app but our major focus on the English course). They enter and find a chat with the teacher. In the chat, the teacher sends 1 lesson to the user every day. Each lesson consists of 4 sections: 

For each action, users receive points and compete with other students.

What is different about Josh Skills?

Teaching through a chat interface, gamification with real-life benefits, peer to peer speaking practice, a community around the app that emulates real-life 'college' experience like making friends or finding a life partner.

How Josh Skills make money?

We charge users Rs.499 for the English course. We plan to target the 300Mn aspirational Indian youth that has the potential but is frustrated and unable to grow in their career