Paths to Success

Do you have an idea of what you would like to do for a career? Do you know training you need? What are the wages? Let's start with some basic assessments that will help you narrow down your options...

Career assessments are not meant to determine which way you are going. They are meant to help you explore and narrow down your choices. Remember to always explore the jobs more (wages, training, economic data).

Now that you have a goal or two in mind...

1. Do you know what the job looks like?

Do some research! Don't waste money, time, or energy going into a field that you may not like.

Here are some videos to explore..

2. Are there jobs available? What do they pay?

Is there going to be a job for you? Will you be able to pay for the things that you want/need to live independently?

Get a head start on college while you're still in school.