
“A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.”

–Colin Powell


Finishing high school is worth about $200/ week more earnings (compared with dropping out). Getting some training nearly doubles your weekly income!

Utah's Minimum Wage is $7.25 an hour

Minimum wage is the lowest amount an employer can legally pay a worker.

A Job is NOT a Career

You may already have a job and are earning money. Keep in mind that a job is not a career. A career is something that you will want to get training in whether it is On The Job (OJT), Apprenticeship, or go to a College/University. A career is something you think you may want to do for a long time. A job may not be what you want to do long term. 

Check out some resources to learn more about employment, jobs, job training, and careers, and what this has to do with being independent and planning for your future.

If you’re unsure about what to do next, don’t assume that university is your only option to launch a successful and rewarding career.

puzzle pieces with the words: apprenticeship, training, learning, working, practicing

On-the-Job Training (OJT) is training you receive while actually performing a job and earning wages. 

Apprenticeship combines OJT & classroom instruction. You get paid to learn on the job while learning your skills!

Getting a Job

This link will help you prepare to get a job by giving you basic information on resumes, applications, and interview tips. 

Do you need help looking for the right job? Don't settle for something that just comes up. Attend these workshops that will help you find a career that you love! Talk to an employment specialist that will sit down and help you reach your goal. You can begin by searching their  job board of 20,000+ open jobs in a variety of fields. Check them out! 

Helping people with disabilities address their unique barriers and achieve employment.

Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is a federal-state program that helps people who have disabilities get or keep a job. VR is committed to helping people with disabilities find meaningful careers.

Alternative State Application Program (ASAP)

The ASAP Coordinator can be reached by calling the Department of Human Resource Management at (801) 538-3025.

Applying for Jobs with the State of Utah using the Alternative State Application Program (ASAP)

The Alternative State Application Program was adopted as a law in the State of Utah in 2010. The law is intended to help the State of Utah become a model employer in the hiring and retention of qualified individuals with disabilities.

The ASAP allows for non-competitive review and potential hire of qualified candidates and creates a potentially faster way for hiring managers to fill vacancies.

Did you know that you can still work even if you receive Social Security Benefits? 

Contact a UWIPS planner today to help you plan. http://workabilityutah.org/work/bpao.php


For more information regarding SSI and SSDI visit www.ssa.gov.

Working SSA 2019.pdf

Per the US Department of Labor,  individuals with disabilities participate in the workforce at about 1/3 rate that of people without a disability. The low employment rate for people is being recognized as a societal issue, with over 13 million adults of working age in the U.S. receiving SSI or SSDI. It has been shown that with assistance, accommodations, and encouragement, many more people with disabilities can work successfully in the community.

Employment 1st, means that employment in the general workforce should be the FIRST and PREFERRED option for individuals with disabilities receiving assistance from publicly funded systems.

 Simply put, Employment First means real jobs, real wages.

The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act of 2014 is the federal law that instituted ABLE Accounts, which are tax-advantaged savings accounts for individuals with disabilities and their families.

The ABLE Act recognizes the significant costs of living with a disability. You can save up to $15,000 per year and use the money in your ABLE Account to help with a variety of expenses,