🍁🔬 Welcome to the October edition of our Secondary Science Newsletter! As the leaves change and we fully embrace the autumn season, we're excited to dive into another month of scientific discovery with you. This month, we'll explore fascinating phenomena, ignite curiosity, and continue our journey in fostering a love for science among our students. We have some exciting features lined up, including innovative experiments, inspiring success stories, and the latest resources to enhance your teaching experience. So, grab a pumpkin-spiced beverage, get cozy, and let's make this October a month of engaging learning and exploration in the world of science! 🔬🍁


I am happy to support any science instruction you may need!





Secondary Science Calendar

Here you will be able to see our upcoming events and professional development days! Click on the event in the calendar for more details. 

Opportunities for Teachers

2023-24 Science PD Opportunities

Upcoming After-School Professional Development!

If you are looking to improve your teaching or work on your 32 hours, we have several professional development opportunities available! 

These sessions offer an invaluable opportunity to learn new teaching strategies, stay updated with the latest scientific discoveries, and refine your classroom management skills. They provide a platform to share experiences, learn from peers, and gain insights into overcoming common challenges. Moreover, these sessions often explore ways to make science classes more engaging and interesting, directly benefiting your students' learning experience. 

Opportunities for Students - Please Share Out!

Jordan District STEM Fair

The Secondary Science STEM Fair is for all middle and high school Jordan School District students.  This is an exciting and fun way to help students get involved in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.  Winners from this event go on to compete at the State and National levels and can win scholarships and important recognition! 


7-8th Grade: Christopher Nichols


"Christopher Nichols not only teaches science, he lives it.  From the dinosaur collection in his room to the science-themed t-shirts in his closet, this is a teacher who loves what he teaches.  An engaging educator, Christopher helps students get excited about rocks and space, among other things and teaches them how everything fits together in the scientific world.  He is also a go-to tech resource in our building, takes care of our website, and has helped multiple teachers out of Canvas-related messes.  He is one of the best in our Nest and we really appreciate him."

"Christopher Nichols is a dedicated team member and valued leader in our science department. He has led the Earth Science Team for almost a decade and is training new science teachers on the 7th grade team. We appreciate his vast knowledge of science and effective teaching practices. We would be lost without his expertise in Canvas and all of the other computer things that he understands that we do not. Christopher is organized, and prepared, and is a great example to our entire department. He inspires his students to reach high standards and supports them in their learning adventures."

What do you love about science teaching or what made you want to be a science teacher? 

"I became an Earth science teacher because of my love of learning about the Earth. I have always enjoyed learning about anything and then sharing what I have learned with others. What I love most about teaching is the Ah-Ha moments when you have made something clear for a student or relevant to something in their life. They get a kind of giddy excitement in their eyes that is very enjoyable. Being autistic and having ADHD as well I love making connections with my students who, like me, are on the spectrum. I love having the ability to show them that they can be successful too."

What are some of your hobbies and/or how do you like to spend your time outside of teaching? 

"When I am not at school I enjoy spending time with my family, playing video games, Magic the Gathering, and fishing."

What's the best advice or mantra you live by for your teaching? 

"I live by the phrase be kind. This has nothing to do with being nice. It has everything to do with doing whatever you can to encourage another person to be successful or to learn how to be successful. It has helped me teach thousands of students and mentor dozens of other teachers.

This is my 12th year at  Oquirrh Hills Middle School and I look forward to teaching many more."

9-12th Grade: Mary Meyer


"Mary is one of the hardest working teachers in our building, She is originally from very rural area of Wyoming. As she grew up she found a love for science and how things work. Mary is very devoted to her students, you can usually see her white van in the parking lot well after everyone has left. Her students are always doing labs and activities to learn and she has helped instill that belief into the science department at Copper Hills High School."

'Mary is one of the hardest working teachers at Copper Hills High, She is originally from a very rural area of Wyoming. As she grew up she found a love for science and how things work. Mary is very devoted to her students, you can usually see her white van in the parking lot well after everyone has left. Her students are always doing labs and activities to learn and she has helped instill that belief into the science department at Copper Hills High School.

Mary is a dedicated educator, a collaborative Grizzly, and she is never too busy to help someone. As a digital and instructional coach at CHHS, Mary is quick to respond and willingly shares her knowledge and expertise with others. Mary is also patient as a digital/instructional coach and likewise, in her classroom, she is patient and encouraging with her students. Mary goes above-and-beyond to ensure her students have engaging labs that not only meet the standards, but also provide students with ways to connect their labs to the real-world. Some of our science students recently prepared for our annual homecoming tradition "The Burning of the CH," under the direction of Mary. She ensured things were done safely and accurately so that the night of our pep rally, the CH burned brightly. What a great way for our science students to be involved, learn and quite literally shine! Mary's passion and dedication is visible and serves as an example for all who know her.

Mary's knowledge, problem-solving, and kindness make her an ideal coach and teammate. She is supportive and thoughtful. Mary is a valued member of her PLC.

What do you love about science teaching or what made you want to be a science teacher? 

I had really great science teachers when I was in high school who took us out into the field and showed us science. It was always hands-on. I excelled at that. I was constantly being teased at how poor we were or how "stupid I was" because I wore old clothes. I found that with science I could level the field and show that it is useful for anyone, anywhere. I took Engineering in College and it was easy in Chemistry because my teacher taught us industry standards. 

I try to help those students who have a difficult time with learning because of their circumstances because I know how hard it is to have to work nearly full-time, go to school full-time, and then take care of the home in between. Persistence and hard work can overcome many obstacles. I love to help the underdogs. I also love to see the spark in all of the students that "catch on". We have so much fun doing labs and activities. 

What are some of your hobbies and/or how do you like to spend your time outside of teaching? 

My hobbies are sand-blasting carving etching on glass and carving wood. I have so many other things I like to do because I love to do life. I take care of my Mom, our two dogs, and the house. 

What's the best advice or mantra you live by for your teaching? 

My mantra is to "Never Give Up, and Enjoy the Road" but you can change your mind and go a different direction and find new things too. 

Some things about the CH burning: we have been turning it Blue and Green since about 25 years ago. We decided after I suggested that it needed to be green/blue for the color of burning copper our school colors. We use special chemicals to turn the flames colors. We then add a special alcohol to be able to burn it. The timing needs to be correct to work. The conditions in the weather need to be accounted for. The CH has morphed over the years and this year it was wonderful.


Some things about the CH burning: We have the fun Homecoming parade here, and then the wonderful pep rally, and the end magic of the CH burning. The CH is put together by the STEM/MESA club officers and some help from the SBO and Class officers. The two advisors and a teacher supply the means for the students to do this. The advisors are Gabe McIlvene and Mary Meyer (me) and the teacher is Steven Dipko who supplies the fireworks. These students started early in the summer coming up with what they wanted to do and how to do it. 


Engaging Students in Science

Actively engaging students in science classrooms is vital to their learning journey. It transforms passive learning into an active exploration, sparking curiosity and fostering a deeper understanding of scientific concepts. It encourages students to think critically, solve problems, and apply their knowledge in real-world contexts, thus preparing them for the future. Furthermore, engagement in science classrooms can inspire a lifelong love of learning, fuel innovation, and may even guide students toward fulfilling careers in STEM fields. It's not just about teaching facts; it's about cultivating an environment where students can question, experiment, and discover.

The Importance of Science Literacy

Science literacy is a fundamental pillar in the education of every student. It empowers them with the knowledge required to understand the workings of the world around us, from the microscopic to the cosmic level. It fosters critical thinking, develops problem-solving skills, and encourages curiosity and innovation. In an increasingly technological and environmentally conscious world, science literacy gives students the ability to make informed decisions, engage in civic discourse on scientific issues, and pave the way for potential careers in STEM fields. Science literacy isn't just for scientists - it's for everyone.


All Secondary Science

Join our District's SchoolAI Pilot Program

This platform brings together the power of artificial intelligence with insightful educational tools to help you streamline your teaching process. With features like Coteacher, AI tutors, and innovative learning activities, SchoolAI can save you time on administrative tasks, allowing you to focus more on your students. It offers a collaborative and interactive learning environment that makes education more engaging and effective. So, dive into SchoolAI! 

Canva for Education

Canva for Education is a fantastic, creative tool that empowers both teachers and students to design stunning graphics with ease. This platform provides countless templates, from presentations and infographics to posters and worksheets, making it versatile for a variety of classroom needs. Plus, it's not just about making things look good - Canva promotes visual learning and encourages students to express their understanding in a fun and engaging way. Best of all, Canva for Education is completely free for teachers and students, making quality design accessible to everyone. It's a great asset for any learning environment!

Try TeachEngineering 

STEM Curriculum for K-12

TeachEngineering is an incredible resource, especially if you're looking to spice up your STEM curriculum. It's chock-full of K-12 lesson plans and activities, all of which are standards-based and peer-reviewed. The best part? They're created by educators like you and they are FREE, so they're designed to be practical and engaging for students. Dive in and see what you can discover!

7th Grade Science

LEO on Wheels

The LEONARDO'S Outreach Program for 7th Grade Science!

Bring The Leonardo to your school! Each school year, The Leonardo travels across Utah to provide a FREE exploratory science program (Leo on Wheels) to 7th-grade science classes. Our current program allows students to apply the Laws of Motion to the construction of their own Rube Goldberg machines.

7th/8th/Earth Science

BYU Loaner Geo Boxes

BYU will soon have available kits that include rock samples and lessons that are SEEd and NGSS-based. These boxes can be kept in your classroom for a couple of weeks while you teach and returned when you are finished. 

Date available: October 15th
To reserve contact Keryn Ross (keryn.ross@byu.edu)

Utah Forge Phenomenon

Utah FORGE is a gem for science educators. It's a dedicated field laboratory set up for geothermal research and development. The site is full of real-world data and cutting-edge research findings which can provide an exciting, hands-on learning experience for your students. From exploring renewable energy to understanding geological formations, Utah FORGE can help bring your earth science, environmental studies, and STEM curriculum to life. It's like a virtual field trip right from your classroom!



Teacher Survival Resources

Why We're Mean to Our Future Selves

Who do we volunteer to run a gruelling half-marathon? Who do we expect to give up sugar, or quit drinking? Who do we demand clears out the garage in the middle of summer? Ourselves. Mean, right?

Turns out we make demands on our future selves that our present selves would think are unrealistic or unreasonable. And the reason we do it is because our minds are really bad at anticipating the wants and needs we’ll have in a week, a month, or a year from now. And that harms our happiness.

Talking before a live audience in Somerville, MA, Dr. Laurie Santos and Harvard professor Jason Mitchell explore how we can be kinder to both our present and future selves.

Using AI to Make Life Easier

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has the potential to significantly simplify our lives. For instance, it can automate routine tasks, freeing up time for us to focus on more complex and creative endeavors. In education, AI can personalize learning experiences, adapt to individual student's needs, and provide instant feedback, thus enhancing the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Furthermore, AI can assist in data analysis, helping us make informed decisions faster. From managing our schedules with AI assistants to improving our health and fitness with AI-powered apps, the potential for AI to make our lives easier is vast and continually evolving. Check out the resources below for suggestions on how to use AI to make your life easier. 

Science Teacher Funnies