Mr. Brown's Page


Three Small Letters Can Make A Powerful Impact.

Learning new things can be incredibly frustrating and hard. Often, we want to scream in frustration that "I just CAN'T do it!" While it is true that the task is hard and that we currently cannot do it, try adding the word yet to the sentence. I cannot do it, yet. Yet is such a small word, and yet full of promise. It is okay to say out loud that we are having difficulty and that we are incapable of doing it on our own, YET. You will be able to do this. You WILL be able to succeed. We believe in each and every one of you and know you will do GREAT things!

Your Only Competition Is Yourself!

It isn't easy comparing your work with that of others. My father used to come to me when I was upset and tell me that I wasted my time worrying about comparing myself to others. You do not have to be perfect at what you set out to do. The only requirement is that you work hard, do your best, and strive to be better today than yesterday. A coach will tell you that they would much rather have an athlete that works hard over one that has talent and no work ethic. Forgive yourself, work hard, be tenacious, and be better today than you were yesterday.