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Please join us for a stroll down Christmas Lane

Thursday, December 16th from 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Moselle Elementary School

We can't wait to see you!
(Face painting, ornament decorating, Christmas carols, artwork, Hot Chocolate ($1) and Christmas Cheer)

Admission Price= FREE; we are asking that you please donate one unopened/new toy for the Domestic Abuse Shelter

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

talent show 2021.mp4

Moselle's Got Talent

Check out Moselle's talented students in PreK through 6th grade as they compete for bragging rights! We are so proud of all them for participating on stage for others to see.


Moselle students were asked to wear "crazy" socks for 'Socktober', which was a fun day to come up with some crazy creative socks! The top 3 socks were awarded with fair tickets donated by Stephanie Phillips and gift cards donated by Eddie Jones. Students were asked to bring new socks to be donated to missions and shelters in the local area. The sock drive was in conjunction with Jr. Beta Club and Moselle's Sycie Jones-Tiny Miss Magnolia State American Coronet 2022 winner and Petite USA Elite MS Mississippi 2022 winner Miss Marie Jane Lyons.

Students and teachers "ROCKED" it out by celebrating the 50th day of school in 1950's dress and lessons. Lessons for the day were based on the 1950's or the number 50. A 1950's wax museum was held by the 6th grade Star Reach students and a Hula hoop contest was held in PE. The last event included a teacher/faculty hula hoop contest which was held outside to enable all students to cheer on their favorite 'house' representative.

Junior Beta Club members decorated a float for the Moselle Homecoming parade to honor all past and present teachers/staff that have battled breast cancer! At the end of the parade, Beta members picked up candy and trash around the parade route as a service project.

Students completed a hands-on math lesson using algebraic expressions with tiles in Mr. Shoemake's 6th grade math class.

Students and teachers dressed as their favorite 'Superhero'! We've got some SUPER teachers and students as Moselle

Junior Beta Club members brought in individualized snacks for our "Snack Closet" at MES for those students that can't afford to bring a snack or just have forgotten. They also brought Band-Aids for teacher classrooms.

Students in Mrs. Webb's Kindergarten class learned all about pumpkins. They took out the insides to study what the inside of a pumpkin looked and felt like, and they estimated the number of seeds that were inside as a culminating event.

Student placing a picture with the beginning letter of the alphabet

Mrs. Bishop providing small group instruction.

Kindergartner reviewing the alphabet and the sounds associated with each letter.

Sixth grade students in Mrs. Grantham's Science class created plant and animal cell models.

Students in Mrs. Sumrall's first grade class made "Thank You" cards for the heroes in our community in honor of the anniversary of 9/11 and the celebration of Patriot's Day.

One sentence

One Sentence Project

Students in Mrs. Hicks and Mrs. Parker's 6th grade Star Reach completed a One Sentence Project. The One Sentence Project is where students or adults write one sentence that defines how they want to be seen in the future. This project was very powerful for the students. They really had to reflect on what they wanted to be known for and evaluate where they were in fulfilling that sentence/prophesy.


When you have germs.... "Who you gonnna call?" Ms. Donna!

Big SHOUT out to all of our custodial staff for keeping our school clean and helping us battle germs!

Students: Remember to bring a refillable water bottle daily!

6th grade students making wiggle bots in Star Reach

Wiggle bot races

5th grade Star Reach students were given a STEM task to create the tallest tower using cups but they couldn't see what they were doing. One group member gave verbal instructions while the other two had to work together behind their backs to make the towers. During the 2nd task, one member was blindfolded and the other members gave verbal instructions.

Mrs. Webb’s class has been reading Pete the Cat this week. They practiced retelling a story and sequencing while enjoying snacks to correlate with the story.

New Principal at MES

We would like to introduce you to our new school Principal, Ms. Juanna Warren. Ms. Warren comes to us via South Jones Elementary. We are all excited about the new direction and vision that Ms. Warren will bring. It IS going to be a fantastic 2021-2022 school year.

Moselle Elementary School.pdf
Kindergarten intro.MOV

Kindergarten Open House

Parents and students. welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! It IS going to be a GREAT year at Moselle! Please "click" on the video introduction and the UNDERLINED "Open House" for your grade to see the expectations and an overview of your child's grade level.

The administration, faculty, and staff have a lot of activities planned! We hope to make this year the BEST!

Please be mindful and wear a mask daily and bring a refillable water bottle! Breakfast and lunch is FREE again this year, but PLEASE fill out the Free & Reduced Lunch application regardless of your status. We can't wait to see you and we are looking forward to a great year.