

By sher

 So my opinion,


The solar eclipse that happened in 2024, iPhone 16, is coming out, not gonna lie 2024 is boring  because everyone is basically just the same like nothing is new, it feels like 2023, the only new thing is that the solar eclipse happened, that was the only new thing I saw. The solar eclipse was boring, it was lame and I shouldn’t have looked at it.

             interviewing Kaylee about Isasps 

by: Sanda.

Me(Sanda): What do you think about Isasps and why?

Kaylee: I dislike it , me personally I don’t think we should have it. I think it’s honestly boring and I don’t have the stamina for it.

Me: Ok, if you had to choose, which tests do you like the most?   

Kaylee:Me personally I don’t like any of them, I think we shouldn’t even have test’s anymore because it’s a waste of time and it literally takes up like 2 hours.

Me: Ok, I really don’t like Isasps too but thanks for letting me interview you!

Kaylee: Yup, no problem.

School seating chart 

By sawyer 

Sometimes school seating charts can be good but most of the time they are bad. Seating charts can also make me not sit by my friends but if you do sit by your friend then it’s a good seating chart. When you have free seating you can sit by your friends and you can talk to them. When there are bad seating charts then you have no one to talk to but if you are close to your friend where you can talk to them. If you can’t talk to your friend then sometimes class will be boring but if you can sit by your friend then you can talk to your friends and class might not be as boring. That’s why I think seating charts are bad. 

My Opinion About Swim Time

by Myat

My opinion about swim time is that swimming is fun and we should have longer swim time. Swimming is really fun and one thing I learned was how to float on water so that I have a better chance on not drowning, a thing I like about swimming is that I get to have some free time to play with my friends and i got to canoe with my friends, something I don’t like about swimming is that we don’t get much time to swim or hang out with my friends, and sometimes I don’t get finish with the activities we have to do before we get that free time, but if we had a longer swim time, we could finish the activities and hang out with friends. A way we could have longer swim time is maybe by being able to leave early for P.E

Longer Recess 

By Brody


Why I think we should have longer recess is because we are inside all day long except for recess. Another reason is that recess is only 15 minutes long. That is not a lot of time when you spend all day inside. 15 minutes isn’t that long to start a Football game, Basketball game, or a Soccer game. And another reason is that 15 minutes is not that much time to spend with friends and then when recess is done you do not see them until the school day is over. This is why I believe recess should be longer.

Should there be longer swim time?

By Calvin Ross

I believe there should be longer swim time. We have only 25 minutes to swim out of 45 minutes. Swimming for longer can help endurance, and cardiovascular fitness. Swimming is a fun way to get fitness. Swimming is also super fun with friends and with the little time we have it's not as fun. I also feel like we do lots of warm ups and then when there’s 5 minutes left we have free time. I think we should have a little less time consuming warm ups. This is why i believe we should have longer swim time.




Do you like ISASP?


What do you like about ISASP?


What do you dislike about ISASP?

We don't need to cover our whole room in paper.

What would you change about ISASP?

Get rid of it.


Do you like ISASP?


What do you like about ISASP?


What do you dislike about ISASP?


What would you change about ISASP?

Less questions.


Do you like ISASP?


What do you like about ISASP?

I don’t like Isasp.

What do you dislike about ISASP?

How long it is.

What would you change about ISASP?

I would make it shorter and easier. 

Longer Pe 

    By:Ayman Diriye

Hello I am Ayman Diriye and I think we should have longer pe because for a number of reasons such as Helping people get fit and helping people work their bodies.

One reason I think we as a school should have longer PE is because one or more hours of workout can show massive benefits over a short period of time but 30 or less can still show benefits but over almost 2 times the amount of time.


Another reason is with more time of moving around it can reduce and relieve stress levels and calm the mind.Physical movement can also stop anxiety and depression.Also Physical education plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall health of students by targeting various aspects of their physical well-being. One of the primary ways PE contributes to physical health. It also helps build endurance, speed and agility.

I hope that was enough to convince you to make PE periods longer.

Longer Recess

Reason why we should have longer recess we get 30 minute to eat lunch and go outside 

and 20 minutes of that is eating  so we only get 10 minutes of recess and like me i play football so i like to have at least 15 minutes of recess so my point is that we should be able to go outside a lot longer. Another reason is that class periods are 45 minutes. It should be 30 minutes so that we have time for other stuff in other classes so I think that lunch should be 20 minutes and recess is 25 minutes.

By Avery