
Dragon Boat Races

On April 19th all 6th graders will be racing Dragon Boats in the Summit Pool.  This is an annual event that 6th graders are all looking forward to doing!  Summit has been doing the Dragon Boat races for about 18 years.  For the last 10 years, BCI Hawkeye Division has generously donated cardboard for all students to use to construct their team boats.  Students have to bring duct tape to help complete their boats.  The Dragon Boats have many curriculum ties.  Students learn teamwork and problem solving skills.  They have to use measurement skills and their creativity to create an amazing boat.  

We asked some 7th grade students about the Dragon Boats.  All the students recall making the boats as very fun especially since it was something they could do with their friends.  One 7th grader mentioned that it was because of this project that he learned how to properly hold scissors to cut cardboard - a life skill!

Advice for this year’s 6th graders included:

If you can’t come to Summit to watch in person, the Dragon Boat races will be on the livestream.  It’s sure to be a good time!

Student Spotlight - Reilly Figg

This month we are featuring Reilly Figg for our Student Spotlight.  Reilly is a 7th grader in Mrs. Beeman’s room.  Reilly’s favorite things to do in school are to read and go to PE. In PE, she likes to run, play tag and play hide and seek.  Sometimes Mrs. Scott even lets them play hide and seek in the library! In school right now, Reilly is learning about gorillas, and she reports that they read about a gorilla named Ivan who could paint. That is very interesting! 

When not at school, Reilly loves to go to the park and especially enjoys going down the slides. Reilly also likes to go for walks and play Roblox on her iPad. Reilly also told us that her favorite foods were cupcakes and deli sandwiches - she eats one everyday at school for lunch!

When you see Reilly in the hall, be sure to give her a wave and say hi. She’s very friendly and loves meeting new people!

               Solar Eclipse👽

                                    By : HTET

The solar eclipse happened on Monday April 8th 2024 in the afternoon.

If you don’t know what a solar eclipse is, well a very rare phenomenon in which the moon and sun align, occurring when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, casting a shadow over parts of Earth and blocking the face of the Sun for observers in those locations. Credit to: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. And here is a picture further explaining how a solar eclipse works.

The path of totality, which is a path on which the moon fully covers the sun, crossed 13 states and those states were Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, New York, New Hampshire, Maine, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas p, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, and Pennsylvania.

ISASP, by Sophia Watkins

April 8th, 2024

What is ISASP? ISASP stands for The Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Programs. They provide a clear and accurate assessment for students growth, readiness indicators, and proficiency; which will be recorded. 

Things in the ISASP, there are some in the following. Your score could help you go into a gifted/talented program, which will be highly beneficial for you, it helps ensure that you can receive a quality education no matter what school you go to; they are measured to “equal standards”, and more. Your test results are about how you're doing in school, with your report cards and other information, your test results can let you know if you can go into higher grades or you're just on the right track. If you meet the standard or even higher, your test results, report cards, and your other information can go forward into your job and college.

Meet Mrs. Brock!

by Norma

If you could have 10 Million dollars what would you spend it on? I would enjoy giving back to my family, friends and community. I would love to take some time to go on vacation and travel the world with my family.

what's your favorite type of horse>:3 I am not very familiar with the different types of horses, but I do think horses are such a beautiful animal. I am amazed at how fast race horses can run!

what's your zodiac sign Pisces

How many teachers are you friends with? I am so lucky to work with THE BEST teachers.  Summit is full of teachers who go above and beyond for students and families. I am lucky to work alongside this group of humans each and every day.

Where were you born? Des Moines, Iowa

Come meet Chloe

By Lejla


Come meet Chloe, she is an amazing 6th grader. You can also find out why she likes going to summit!!!

Meet Tarajh

by Johnny