
Opinion: Raw Tomatoes are bad.

By: Linda D.

In my opinion I think tomatoes are the worst fruit/vegetable and don’t think that they should have a place on sandwiches.

The reason why I have this opinion is because tomatoes simply don’t taste good to me and I don’t like the texture of them. The skin is thin and tough and the taste is somewhat bitter/sour and weird to me. However this is only my opinion, if you eat/like raw tomatoes that is okay!

We Should Have Less Summit Strong and Dragon Time in the Day.

By: Olivia Sloan

At summit middle school, at the beginning of the day we have dragon time. It lasts from 7:42-8:05. If we didn’t have this class we could be starting our school day just a little bit later. We may have to have an extra day at the end, but that would be worth it to eliminate dragon time and give people more time to sleep and take away from people being late. We do many different things within this period but because it’s so short we almost get nothing done.

In summit middle school we also have summit strong. This period lasts from 2:15-2:50. If we got rid of this period, like removing dragon time, we may have to add a couple extra days but we would get out of school a lot earlier. This would benefit people because they would have more time to relax and do extracurricular activities while still having time to get to sleep at a good time because nobody will have to get home at 7:30 or later because of their activities.

In conclusion, I think we should have at least less dragon time and summit strong time during the day. I believe this would positively benefit us in the best way, health wise, and convenience wise.

Report No. 1

Recess? More like Treason.

Why the school (SMS) Recess system is bad.

Soe Win - Writer, Editor, Reviewer and Publisher


Recess, the pinnacle of all elementary and middle schools around the world. Sometimes they’re good, sometimes they are bad. Who knows? But here in Summit Middle School of Johnston, Iowa, it is all but bad. In this article, we will go through why it is bad.


In this section, we will go over All of the reasons why in this school, recess sucks. Number one, the lack of diversity. When you think about recess, you’re probably thinking about a soccer field or a track, but in this school, the only thing you get is a field, basketball field and a walkway and we don’t even have the time to walk all the way through! Secondly, the fact that even the concrete floor of the basketball field hasn't been repaired in years, meaning that there are mini potholes and cracks in which you may fall and injure yourself, I’m starting to wonder if the field isn’t safe as well. Third, and there’s five, the fact that there’s a dangerously slippery walkway during the winter, the fact that there’s a steep fall to the right of the path means that if you slip, you’re gonna fall down for 10 seconds and possibly land on hard ice, the risks being infection, cuts and even a knockout. Fourth, the strict rules. Recess is supposed to be a fun place for kids and preteens to rest and catch up, but In this school, you have rules you don’t know even existed. For example, you are not allowed to play tag, and I understand that it may be hazardous, but why is there a field then? No goals, then what’s the point of soccer? Finally, the sad look. Recess is supposed to look safe for kids to play in, but here, the field is brown, the concrete is gray and the brick walls make the outside comparable to a literal prison, not saying that school is a prison. These qualities make kids unhappy and not socialize with people, causing social issues later in life.


When thinking about recess, most schools live up to the quality that is promised, but for SMS, it is NOT one of those schools. The sad looks and lack of diversity make students overall unaffected, aka neutral or even sad by the time they come back to school, affecting their grades and even causing F’s for students because of this. So yes, the Summit Middle School recess system is bad.

You if you don’t get a good recess

Justin’s opinion about school lunch

In my opinion the school lunch NEEDS to be better, because they serve the same food every week.The only good thing about the school lunch is the Slushy and the ala cart.But I think there should be better food.The school needs better pizza, milk, and more.Also we deserve to have free seating even if we’re bad.And we shouldn’t have to go outside under 45 degrees.And we should share food to,Because sharing is caring.But back to the food, we should have different options because people like me are tired of the same discussing food every week.

Time Wasted

By Samir

You're walking through the hallway on your way to lunch. You take a seat and start talking to your best friend. “Hey, How's your day goi- RING! The bell has already rung. The only thing going on in your mind is the question,”How? It's only been 5 minutes since i've sat down. That's why I believe that students and other teachers need time to eat and a little break to relax from the stress given by work and assignments. I think it's best if they were given more time from the principal to mostly take a break. I think 15 minutes each time wasn't enough. Also taken away by the conversations with other students. For people at this school, time is a pretty big issue since we don't have enough of it. In a second, recess can be over like nothing ever happened. It would also give time for teachers to get ahead on assignments and other work planned for the future. It would take away from the time learning about other subjects but cutting it also gives a bunch of benefits.

Benefits within this discussion

Most teachers and staff don't discuss this topic with other individuals or higher ranks in the school district. The benefits of fixing the problems are…

  • Time for teachers to work other projects without being distracted

  • A relief without worry from students.

  • Gives time to students to finish their food course which gives energy for students to complete this morning

In conclusion

Do people really need extra time? Yes they do need time to relax and to have a conversation with their best friend.

Passing Periods

by Kam

Hello I’m Kam and I think we should have more time for passing because we only have 2-3 minutes to get from one place to the other. If you are at stem and you have to go to P.E then that won’t give you enough time to get there or change if you need to. A lot of people don’t have enough time to get all the way to the other side of the school. And if you run in the hallway you will get in trouble. So you have to walk. That's why a lot of people are late and get tardies by their teacher. And I think we should be able to say hello to our friends in the hallway.

Do you think we should have a longer passing period


Alice: yes

Why do you think we should have longer passing period

Lex: kids are getting to many tardy by kids

Alice: kids tend to run in the hallway to get to there class

That’s it on the squiggly wiggly news have a fun day….

School Passing time should be longer

By emir djozic

I think school passing should be longer because when I get dismissed from P.E I have to walk almost halfway across the school and I only have 2 mins to get there. I also have other classes to get to that are far away and they are mostly far away. That’s one reason why I think school passing time should be longer. Another reason why I think school passing time should be longer is because mostly everyone in the school is late for at least 2-3 classes every week.

“Why I like food”

by Theodore Davies

Number 1: Food tastes good

Number 2: This would be us without food

Number 3: there are different varieties of food

Number four: there are different tastes of food

That’s all.

by Zach B.