
by Audrey J.

What was that smell??

By Leo

Today in squiggly wiggly news we will be covering something that happened in media literacy. There was a really bad smell and people thought that someone brought fart spray into class and was spraying it but others said something died or someone ripped it. I Interviewed 2 people, and they had different opinions.

Summit Changes

by Kiley

I interviewed 3 people and this is what they said about summit or what they wanted to change about summit.

Click Here for Interview #1 Click here for Interview #2 Click here for Interview #3

Teacher spotlight

by Alice B.

Today I will be interviewing Mrs vines in Adventure.the reason why I interviewed her is because she is the best teacher (in my opinion) In Adventure.I felt like I could talk her and share my feelings with her.She isn’t the typical teacher that people think she is.She has inspired me to be a better person. Here are some questions I asked her about her job.

Presenting Mrs vines

Me:What do you like about your job?

Mrs Vines:The connection with students is everything to me. It’s what drives me and makes my heart happy. Students make me want to do and be better.

Alice:What do you dislike about your job?

Mrs Vines:The end of the year when I have to say my “goodbyes.” We become a family and to watch them move on is both exciting and difficult all in one.

Alice:What motivates you to be a teacher?

Mrs Vines:Making a difference in students' lives. Those connections motivate me to want to show up everyday and grow with them. I want to be the best version of myself for them.

Mrs vines took her time and stepped away from her class to let me interview her.I enjoyed interviewing her!!

The School vending machine

By Tristan

In this paragraph I will discuss why I think they should remove the vending machine. I think they should get rid of the vending machine because too many people are sneaking out of class to get chips and snacks. They could prevent this by removing the vending machine. Another reason I believe they should get rid of the vending machine is that some of the people who want to use the vending machine can’t because of the times that it’s open. Let’s say you don’t have classes near the vending machine, due to the limited times it is open you won’t be able to access the vending machine due to being too far away from it. I think that’s unfair because only some people will be able to get the vending machine, unlike others who want to get the vending machine but can’t.

Why I think they should keep the vending machine:

There are a few reasons why I think the vending machine is a good idea. The first reason I think the vending machine is a good idea is because if someone doesn’t have a snack and they want to get a snack they can with the vending machine. It's a great solution to getting some extra food if you have money on you. Another reason why I think the vending machine is a good idea is because they made it so you only can get the vending machine at certain times, which makes it harder to sneak out of class to use the vending machine.

School news on the vending machine

The vending machine was closed and unavailable for a short period this year but it is now open again! If you haven’t noticed the vending machine before, you can find it close to the main school entrance close to the cafeteria. All items in the vending machine are $1 and you can pay with cash or coins. The vending machine is available during limited hours, ask the office staff for more information if interested in buying an item.

Summit swimming interview

By Erica May

If you have a low grade in P.E because you don’t participate in swimming here is why it’s important to swim during P.E, why swimming affect your grade, and if someone has a bad grade should they participate in swimming if they don’t already.

This is how the interview went:

Me : “Why is it important to swim during class”

Mr. Potthoff: ”it’s a great physical exercise also it is a lifetime activity you can use for the rest of your life. And lastly it’s a life-saving skill”

Me: “ why does swimming affect your grade”

Mr. Potthoff: “ PE grades are based off at effort and participation in class, we do not give you homework to complete. our assignments are all in class”

Me: “ should somebody swim if they’re grade is low in that class”

Mr. Potthoff: “ Yes, the majority of students have a low-grade is because they don’t swim.”