As a starting point all students will be exposed to an Induction Program provided by the eServices, eResources and eLearning departments at John Monash Science School.
Some of the main services that you can access at John Monash Science School include:
Google Apps
Communicate and collaborate with Google Mail, Calendar, Drive and Sites.
Unlimited storage for all your Google Apps data.
Students get access to Hangouts, Blogger, YouTube and Google+.
Microsoft Office 365
Access to full copies of the Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel & Onenote.
Access to Office online for on the go document editing from mobile devices.
View your timetable, excursions and the news feed.
View attendance record, progress reports and semester reports.
Search our physical library.
Access our electronic book portals (EBL & Overdrive).
Clickview Online
Search for educational videos on your laptop or mobile device.
Recorded Free to Air Television for educational use.
Play videos online.
Prior to purchasing a new device, students should view the webpage on eResources to understand resource access options across operating systems.