
KLWP is awesome. Thank goodness for its awesome editor.

Hold up!

At this point, you should have a working setup with my preset. You should be willing to tinker with KLWP and personalize it the way you want it.


  • By default, only the background is visible while on your lockscreen. You can change that in KLWP -> Layer -> Visible: Always
  • The location box should only update once in a while and shouldn't be a problem for your battery. It's in the KLWP settings.
  • You'll notice the "widgets" are slightly shaking based on how you hold your phone. You can disable that by going to each of the controls and disabling "Gyroscope" in the animation menu.

For KLWP themers

Some nifty global variables to take note:

  • cchoice (Confidant Choice) - dictates which confidant number to load on the p5-confidant folder. It's alphabetically sorted and starts from 0 to 20 (0 for Akechi, 1 for Ann, etc) and dictates the other c-variables below.
  • c_images (Confidant Images) - is a simple list of filenames matching the pictures in p5-confidant. This is what decides whether it should load Akechi, Ann, the twins, etc.
  • c_joff (Joker Offset) - is unused. I originally wanted to move Joker depending on which confidant was on-screen (e.g., the twins and Igor) but it turns out that KLWP doesn't allow formulas in its complex animations. Damn.
  • c_cyoff (Confidant Y-Offset) - is also unused. I also wanted to align the confidants by height properly as it worked in-game. I couldn't do it though due to time constraints and to keep things simple.
  • c_cxoff (Confidant X-Offset) - adjusts the position of the confidant since each of them have different poses. If you want to move them closer or further from Joker, you can edit this list.

Removing the Pause Screen

  • Remove Pause
  • Reduce the screen count (or add another confidant?)
  • Remove Joker and Joker Bottom custom animations (Scroll -> Fade In)

Blurred Background

  • Red Overlay -> FX -> Mask -> Blurred Background
  • Change the blur intensity as you see fit.
  • Change the background too if you want.

Tasker: Shuffle Confidants Hourly

I prefer using Tasker for this because of the task reusability and it ensures both positioning and confidant choice remains consistent. Let Tasker do the orders while KLWP simply follows variables.

Make a Tasker task that does: I'm calling it Confidant Random

  • Variable Randomize - foo
  • KLWP Send Variable - foo

Then make a Tasker profile:

  • From Time: Repeat every 1 hour
  • Do Confidant Random

Then in KLWP:

  • Change cchoice references to $br(tasker,foo) in the Confidant bitmap and XOffset position.

Tasker: Manually Shuffle Confidants (Easy)

If you've done Shuffle Confidants Hourly, you can reuse Confidant Random for this.

Just add a simple trigger in KLWP that calls Tasker's Confidant Random task.

You could also use Nova Launcher Prime's gestures to launch Tasker's Confidant Random task.

Music Player Controls (Easy)

  • Album Art -> Touch -> Single lets you change the behavior of KLWP when you tap the album art.

Day / Night Cycle

Just switch the background to formula mode and change it to something like this. Assuming you have the Day and Night images on Kustom/wallpapers...


Still Under Construction

Whoops, I'm not done filling this section yet. I was busy in preparing the basic versions of the theme. Here's an outline for now. (Although you could already use these as ideas, they're pretty simple for proficient Android themers or programmers.

I'll be honest -- this is taking me a longer time because I'm prioritizing a smooth installation experience for everyone first.

Collapsible Controls (Moderate)

Tasker + AutoTools: Switch to Power Save Mode (Easy)