Leader In Me

This page is devoted to Leader in Me. Check out this page for positive quotes, leadership events, fun activities and helpful resources on how to be a leader within your school and community.

Are you a Team Player?

Synergy is the idea of working together. Through synergy, you can work as a team to produce something greater than working alone. When working in groups, everyone should contribute their ideas and talents and all team members should be receptive of everyone else's ideas and contributions. Are you a good team member? Take this short quiz to find out.


Click on the video below to watch a short video on how to prioritize the important things "the big rocks" in your life

Click on the video below to watch a short clip on beginning with the end in mind and the importance of goal-setting.

Circle of Control Activity

Read the story above to learn about your circle of control an how it impacts your life.

As you begin the new school year, think about things you can control and the things you cannot. Make a list of those things in your control and those out of your control. Make a goal to focus on the things within in your control. You have control over your attitude, responses and choices. Focusing on these will help you take charge of your school life, home life and lead to more successes.


Click on the video to the left and watch the short clip from Nemo. As you watch the clip, try to identify all the ways perseverance is demonstrated. How many ways can you count?

Volunteering In Louisville

Click on the article to the left, to find ways that you can volunteer in your own city. Giving back is a great way to CONTRIBUTE to build a better Louisville.

Click on the video below to watch a short clip on Motivation and the possibilities in a word of "What if?"

CHANGE - Click on the video below to watch a short clip on inspiring and accepting CHANGE