Related Arts


This page contains some general information about the Related Arts program and teachers at Lassiter Middle School.

Related Arts courses are scheduled on a six week rotational basis. Students in the regular rotation will have a different course each grading period. Students will have the opportunity to learn and explore courses in general music, health, humanities, literacy, media and physical education. 

Orchestra and band courses are year long courses. Students in orchestra and band will not participate in the other related arts courses.  Band and orchestra students will have the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument and participate in concerts throughout the year. 

Band, rock band and orchestra students wanting to withdraw from the year long courses may only do so at the semester mark. Parent consent and a teacher conference must occur to withdraw from the courses. 

Physical Education

Laurie Workman

Literacy Magazine

Dr. Geoffrey Lee

Physical Education

Jeremy Stewart

Reading Intervention

Anna Kowal

Math Intervention

 Deborah Jones

Stem Innovation

Stephanie Routon

Career Choices

John Morris

General Music/Rock Band

Jessica Howard