Time to Talk

Do you need to talk? Your counselors are available by appointment to discuss non-emergency items. If you need to schedule an appointment with your counselor, please click on the Request An Appointment drop down from the Contact Tab. As always in the case of an emergency, DON'T MAKE AN APPOINTMENT.

Office Hours:  8:00 - 3:00 Monday through Friday 

 Counselor Contact Information  

Our world seems to be out of wack and turned upside down. There are some positives, like getting to spend quality time with our families and wearing pajamas all day. But there are also some frustrations like missing our friends and even our school. We are still here for you and would love to talk about how you are handling this experience. Click on the request an appointment form if there is anything you want to talk about. 

 Ms. Poteet (Counselor for 6th grade)

Phone Number: (502) 485-8288 

Email:  vanessa.poteet@jefferson.kyschools.us

Mrs. Johnson  (Counselor for 7th grade)

Phone Number:  (502) 485-8288

Email Address: angela.johnson2@jefferson.kyschools.us 

 Mrs. Williams (Counselor for 8th grade)

Phone Number: (502) 485-8288

Email: danielle.williams@jefferson.kyschools.us

Ms. Coughenour  (Mental Health Counselor)

Phone: (502) 485-8288

Email:  brianna.coughenour@jefferson.kyschools.us

The National Suicide Prevention Hotline  1-800-273-8255