What to Expect at Miller Preschool

We are following district and school guidelines for safety during Covid 19.

Miller Preschool is taking the following precautions:

  • AM and PM classes held in different classrooms

  • All staff will wear masks inside the building, and when within 6 feet of students and staff outside

  • Students will wear masks when inside. If you child can't wear a mask for medical or behavioral reasons (including sensory defensiveness), your doctor can sign this form for your child. Link to form.

  • Both students and staff will be screened at the beginning of each day, checking for a temperature over 100.4, cough or shortness of breath/difficulty breathing. School nurses will support with action steps as needed if an individual experiences these symptoms.

  • Students will wash hands at least 6 times each day, which include the following: At drop off, before and after play centers, before and after playing on the playground, before and after snack and after using the restroom.

      • If we cannot access a sink for hand-washing, such as after eating snack outside, hand sanitizer will be applied. For students who can't access a sink, anti-bacterial hand/face wipes will be used to clean their hands.

  • Parents and guardians will drop off and pick up from exterior preschool doors. No parent or visitors are to enter the building. Parents will use a QR code system on their phone for sign-in/out.

  • Students will use their own materials for writing, reading, coloring, sensory play and most manipulates.

  • Students will engage with shared materials, such as blocks, during play centers, with 1-2 other students each day. The students will remain in these same small groups for the entire day.

  • Teachers will sanitize classroom materials and surfaces at the end of each school day, and as needed during the day.

  • Miller's general illness policy is here. This is not specific to COVID - if there is a question around COVID symptoms or protocols that will be discussed individually with our school nurse.

  • This list is not exhaustive. Feel free to ask your teachers for clarification.