Dealing and Coping with COVID-19

Tips for Strength Based Conversations

Try to just have fun with it. When hard things happen, acknowledge them, and know they happened, but then try to turn them towards your strengths. Lastly, during your conversation make sure you participate and listen fully.

Create a Schedule

Create a schedule for everyday. Having a daily routine gives you a sense of purpose and well-being. You could just make a simple routine like; waking up at 8 everyday, then taking a shower, getting dressed, eating all your meals at appropriate times, making time for exercise, and going to bed at a normal time. You could even schedule "screen time" to limit yourself but also have a "brain break" and stay connected.

Get Fresh Air

When you need a break, just take a minute and go outside to get a few deep breaths of fresh air. This gives your body the sunlight it needs to make vitamin D. This can help fight depression, and it can help make our bones, teeth, and muscles stronger. Being outside in the fresh air and sunlight can also help boost your energy levels.

Make a Gratitude Journal

Write one thing you are grateful for everyday. It could be anything, how you finished a project, you got to smile today, your friends and/or family. Eventually as your journal fills up, you will realize that there are many things in your life to be grateful for, no matter how big or small they are.