
Iowa vs ISU by: Dominic Avon

This is all about Iowa's biggest rivalry.

Iowa and ISU are both d1 schools and they are big rivals. In Iowa almost everybody wears football gear the day of or before the game.

The 2022-2023 official score was 7-10.

Let’s learn all about Iowa vs isu.

They love to play that game. Also there are a lot of turnovers in the game. Iowa had a record of winning but it was broken. 46-23 Iowa leads. But now they might be coming back. This year it was at Iowa Kinnick Stadium playing the biggest rivalry on tv on Saturday September 10th. There is the Iowa rivalry.

My favorite team is the hawks!! Go Hawks!!

Minnesota Wild

by Isaac S.

The Minnesota Wild is a hockey team part of the NHL (National Hockey League)

The main goal tender is Marc-André Fleury. Last season the Minnesota Wild traded Marc-André Fleury from the BlackHawks. His nickname is “The Flower” because It’s derived the English translation of his last name.

The Wild are in the Western Conference and in the Central Division with the Nashville Winnipeg Jets, the Colorado Avalanche, the Chicago Blackhawks, the Dallas Stars, the St.Louis Blues, and the Arizona Coyotes. Last year the Minnesota Wild were the 2nd seed (place) in the Central Division, they also were 2nd seed in the Western Conference, and 5th seed in the whole league last season.

Who invented sports?

by Thadeus

There was a lot of people who played and held sports competitions from cave paintings all the way to now.

As early as the Greeks they played sports in the Olympic Games. The Greeks also played sports to see if they were fit for military service. They also held team competitions to see if they could do it as a team.

Cave paintings around France showed pictures of wrestling and sprinting and swimming competitively. Cave paintings around Japan showed sumo wrestling. Cave paintings around Egypt showed archery and swimming. Egypt showed monuments to the pharaoh showing sports competitions for the pharaoh.

In the Middle Ages they had their own kind of sports. There sports included javelin throwing, jousting, and archery competitions.

This shows that sports could be as old as people too! And who knows what sports could come in the future.

Iowa vs Isu

by Myles T.


I am interviewing a Iowa and Iowa state fan on there opinion about the game.

I asked the Iowa fan “Name one good thing that Iowa did?”

she says

“they blocked a couple passes.”

I asked the Iowa state fan

“What’s one thing Iowa state did good?”

He responded with

“They had a lot of yards.”

I asked the Iowa fan

“What’s one thing Iowa could’ve improved on?”

She responded with

“The qb and o line could’ve done better.”

I asked the Iowa state fan

”What’s one thing Iowa state could’ve improved on?”

He responded with

“The o line could’ve done a better job protecting the pass rush.”

Thank you Issac Sing and Alice for letting me interview them

The Iowa Iowa State Game

By Hailey Dobbs

The Iowa Iowa state game is September 10th on a Saturday at 3:00pm. It is located in Ames, Iowa. The Hawkeyes have been winning all the previous games but this year I think the Cyclones are going to win because of the Hawkeyes last game.

The Cyclones won for the first time in 8 years. The score was 10 to 7. The game lasted for around 3 hour. The last time the Cyclones won was in 2014, the game was played in Iowa City — the site of this year's game. Both teams played horribly. But the Cyclones won by 3 points. During the game the Iowa fans were booing their own team.