
Passing Periods Should Be Longer

By: Olivia H.

Many students here at Summit are outraged by the fact the passing periods have been shortened. Last year, passing periods were 3 to 4 minutes long, now they are only two. Many of my friends and peers have complained about the fact that they are getting more tardies because passing periods are just too short.

To begin, I walked from the Multipurpose Room to the Media Literacy classroom. It took me exactly 1 minute and 50 seconds to walk between the two classrooms, and that was with the hallways empty. If the hallways are filled with students it would take even longer, most likely resulting in a tardy.

Also, students often want to go to the bathroom and get a drink of water during passing periods. But, because the passing periods are so short they don’t have time to and then have to do it during class time.

Some students try to avoid tardiness by running in the hallways, these students then get in trouble for running in the hall. So eventually you end up tardy or getting in trouble. While there are many classes that are close enough together to not get a tardy, many are too far away and a tardy is inevitable.

In closing, passing periods should be made longer by 1 to 2 minutes, resulting in a 4 minute passing period. Is it really so hard to spare 1-2 minutes that are already being wasted because students are arriving late to class?

Passing Time Opinion

By Alice B.

it takes me 2 mins to get from PE to world languages. I think it would take me more than 2 mins to get from there to there because there will be more people in the way. It’s hard to get to class with a crowded hallway.T o support my opinion is that people tend to run in the hallway to get to class cause they might be late and the teachers and staff don’t want people to run in the hallway. I think we should get more than 2 mins for passing time and I think we should get at least 3or4 mins to get to class to prevent people from running to class and getting late.

Passing Periods Need to be Longer

by Erica M.

I think we should have a longer passing period because if you just got out of pe and you need to go straight to health class you’re gonna need more than three minutes because that’s on the other side of the school and this is one pretty big school. Soon enough everyone will get in trouble for being late for getting so many tardies In a week and then the kids get consequences like lunch detention or something like that. My opinion is, we should have at least five minutes for passing periods so we don’t get in trouble and have to take time out of class to talk to your teacher about why you're late, how you were late and what the reason for being late was.

It takes about one minute and 48 seconds to get from the health room to the gym, with an empty hallway and walking at a normal speed.

Do we need recess time so we need more or what do we need?

by Brody

What do you think about recess time? Do you think we need more recess time or less recess time or no recess time? In my opinion I think we should have more recess time but keep reading if you want to see what other summit students' opinions are. Also keep reading if you wanna see facts about recess.

I have asked people what they think about recess time in summit ,and out of the people that did it they said they would rather replace recess time so I think people would all say that they would replace it. Also it’s a fact that more recess time is good or a break is good so that’s why I think we need more recess time or replace it with something else.

We all go to recess right? How do you feel about recess because this involves everybody that goes to reces so to the students of summit middle school how do you feel about recess time to we need more less, or none or, it needs to be replaced.

As a summit student here I believe that we should have more recess time but that is my opinion here in summit.I think we need more recess time because it’s good for kids and we have time for it and, so we should be able to go outside and play right when we get to the lunch room. When will we take away time how about when we are able to go outside right when we get to lunch.

So this article is about recess what do you think about recess time.

In this article I talk about recess time and I interviewed two kids about there opinion on recess here in summit and they had similar opinions like I think most kids would have I also talk about my opinion.

The interview: I interviewed Jenkins and I asked him if he thought we needed more time for recess or less time or no recess time, and Jenkins said we don't need any recess and instead he said we need phone time not recess time. So after that I asked him why phone time is important and he said because we might need to text someone or to check notifications. After that I asked him why we don't need any recess time at all and he said that phone time is more important.student 2.I interviewed Dante and asked him how he felt about recess and he said it’s kind of boring but ok. And then I asked him if he would replace it or add more time to recess or take away time or have no recess at all. Dante said that he would take away recess time and add it to the third period.

Sports at Summit

by Sammy

I think that there should be sports at school. There should be sports because it's proven that kids are more social when there are school activities. WE NEED SPORTS. Half of the kids at summit middle school wants there to be other sports in school.

There are old news reports that kids are more social and more active when there are school sports. Sports in school make kids like me healthy and a lot more active.

Passing times

by Kiley W.

I think that you should give us more time getting to classes and have a break in between classes. I think we should get 5 to 10 minutes to get to class purr and then have time to talk and get stuff ready for class. The teachers can even have a break too. 2minutes is not even close to Enough time to go to the bathroom and or get a drink if we need and also to get to a class.

I think that you should consider my opinion on passing time and change it to at least

School Lunch Opinions

by Leo

Welcome to squiggly wiggly news. Today in the food section we will be talking about some reviews from actual summit students. My first interview was with kam fuller.

Me-do you like the school food

Kam-no it’s disgusting and a disgrace

Me-do you have any pros or cons about the school foods

Kam-the school lunch here sucks there’s no pros about it only cons

After interviewing my first person he very much disliked the food but let’s see wha5 Alice has to say about the food.

Me- do you like the school food

Alice-it’s disgusting and horrible

Me- is there any pros or cons about the school foods?

Alice-Pros, ez protein and vitamins

Cons, makes you fat, not cooked well and stale, and not edible

After two reviews they were relatively similar but I have one more miles.

Me-do you like the school food

Miles-Only sum but it could be wayyy better and they should completely combine community lunches

Me-is there any pros or cons about the school food

Miles-Pros, usually warm, milk good

Cons, small portions, split communitys

After three interviews I’ve noticed that they don’t like the school lunches,

Because the food is soggy, uncooked, hard and more. That’s it for the food section on squiggly wiggly news.

Summit Middle School

by Kam

Hello this is Kam I’m reporting from squiggly wiggly news, I’m here with Leo Carlin and Jay Amaya. And I will be interviewing them about summit middle school.

Do you like summit middle school

Kinda because there are many ups and downs

What is your favorite subject in school and why

Lunch because you can eat and there is not a lot of teachers

What would you change about summit

Teachers/rules/punishments and Explain how you got in trouble

Jay part

Do you like summit middle school

There a lot of up and downs but more downs then up so down is more the up so up is less then down

What is your favorite subject in school and why

Language arts because of the teacher(mrs willenborg) and the homework

What would you change about summit

Teacher/school lunch and punishments

Mission North + Mission South?

By: Zach Boyd

I think that both sides of Mission, South and North, should be together during lunch and recess. For example, as a member of Mission North, I have friends that I wish I could hangout with some of my friends that are in mission south, and I don’t get to see them unless I am transitioning from one class to the other in the halls. Even if I see them, I cannot talk to them because there is only 2 minutes to get to my next class.

Other students of Mission believe that Mission North and South should be combined during lunch/recess too.

Add Donuts to Ala Cart!

By Ceasar

I think donuts should be in the lunch line too but it should cost money cause if it was free it wouldn’t make any difference other than the lunch lady’s getting less money so yeah I think the school should add donuts to allcart.