
Interview with Ms Moore- Olivia Sloan

Question 1- How has summit been so far?

Answer: Summit has been great! All of the staff and students have been very kind and my classroom is really awesome. I feel very lucky to be here!

Question 2-What was something you wish was different?

Answer: I wish that the building wasn’t so big and confusing. It’s easy to get lost when you’re new!

Question 3- How did you get into teaching?

Answer: I grew up admiring teachers and paraeducators because my mom was a school librarian. I got to see the whole picture of how much work goes into making the school day possible and the relationships that adults at school build with students. I also had some amazing teachers growing up that really cared about me, which is how I decided to become a teacher myself.

Question 4 - Why do you like creating art?

Answer: Making art is a beautiful way to get to know and express yourself. Sometimes, speaking about a problem or an issue I’m having can be overwhelming, but giving myself the freedom to make art that is reflective of my life is extremely therapeutic. Creating can help me feel calm and grounded when other things maybe feel out of control.

Question 5- Why do you like teaching art/teaching in general?

Answer: I like to teach art because I am passionate and excited about creating with others and making people feel confident in what they’re working on. Honestly, I wouldn’t teach anything else. Also, the students! You guys are pretty funny sometimes.

Question 6- What jobs have you had in the past?

answer: I also am a wedding photographer! Most weekends I am at a stranger’s wedding taking their photos. In college I worked at a grocery store, Maurices, JC Penneys, and occasionally babysat for a while.

Question 7- What sports are you interested in?

I am not a super sporty person, but I’ll watch any sport with the right group of people.

Question 8- Why did you want to be a teacher?

I think like all teachers, I choose every year to teach because there is a chance that I could make a difference in someone’s life. This work feels important even if sometimes it’s not treated that way.

Question 9- What type of art creation do you prefer?

If I am making something on my own, I love to paint. But I am very good at starting a project and not finishing it. I have quite a few in progress paintings, embroideries, drawings, and sculptures that need to be finished when I get inspired to do so.

Teacher Spotlight: Mrs/Ms McAlister

By Linda D

For the article I chose to do a teacher spotlight for the project, for this interview I decided to interview Mrs/Ms McAlister / Kelly McAlister

There are some things that you might not know about her, so if you want to learn more about Mrs/Ms McAlister then you should read this article.


3 fun facts about you?


McAlister: I was born on my dad’s birthday. Last school year I read 70 books from the Summit Library. I love to travel (Peru, London, Scotland, and Hawaii are some of my favorite places I’ve been).

Why are you interested in teaching at this school?

McAlister: My favorite thing about Summit is the teachers! We have the best teachers that really care about kids and their learning.

The greatest accomplishment?

McAlister: I’m pretty proud of my own two kids and all of their achievements and the people they have become.

What do you like and dislike about teaching at this school?

McAlister: Like – I like that I have a balance of teaching classes and working in the library. I love helping kids find books that they love!

McAlister: Dislike – I do wish that the library had the capability to be a quieter place. I love it when it’s busy with kids learning, but it’s hard to do presentations or classes in there because it has no ceiling, and we can always hear kids during lunch and passing periods.

What are you most looking forward to this year of school?


McAlister: I look forward to reading lots of books so I can recommend them to Summit students!

Meet Mr. Schultz

by Theo D.

Mr. Shultz was my teacher last year, so I decided to interview him

Q:Why did you become a PE teacher?

A:My dad was a PE teacher. He had a lot of influence on me wanting to be one. He made class really fun for his students and I try to do the same.

Q:What is your favorite sport?

A:My favorite sport growing up was baseball. My favorite sport right now is mountain biking.

Q:What is your favorite food?

A:Nothing beats a steak burrito from a Mexican restaurant!

Q:What is your favorite exercise?

A:I usually try to do compound movements/exercises. So, my go-to exercise right now is barbell squats.

Student Spotlight - Zach B.

by Elmin

What are their main goals for the school year?

He answered that he doesn’t like school but it’s fun.

His goal is not to get into trouble. He wants to be a good student for 7th grade.

Student Spotlight - Michael P.

by Justin

Interview with mike

I chose to interview mike because hes my friend and hes my cousin.Also mike is a popular kid.

Me: what’s your favorite color

Mike: favorite color is red

Me: What do you like about this school

Mike got family and friends

Me: Favorite subject

Mike: math

Me:why do you like being in Journey

Mike: Because we mission K


By: Aubrey Janss

Subway is a Sandwich place. My favorite sandwich is Italian BMT with extra mayonnaise. Most of their sandwiches are very messy. But most importantly, they have a lot of chips. A very wide variety. Most people hate the smell in Subway, but I think it smells amazing. Subway is like Pancharose, you tell them what you want on your sandwich and they make it right in front of you. And no, there is not a drive through.

In my opinion, I rate Subway an 8 out of 10. One reason why I give it an 8 out of 10 is because I don’t like their cookies. Another bad reason is that they are always out of lemonade. One good reason why I gave it an 8 out of 10 is I love most of their sandwiches. They have a lot of options to put on your sandwich.

Summit 7th graders interviews

By :Miguel Merric

I got the opportunity to interview different people about there experience at summit and if some things could be changed here just a few answers

Abby’s interview

Me what do you like and don’t like about summit ? Abby said “there are lots of friendly nice people and teachers,

If you could change one thing In summit what would you change if I could change one thing it would be , it would be school lunch” .

Linda’s interview

Me what do you like about summit. Linda” I like how there are nice teachers and students “ .

what are your favorite classes? “my favorite classes that this school offers are fcs and science”.

what don’t you like about summit ?”I don’t like how the classes don’t intermix.

If you could keep one thing what would keep? “ I would keep this school the same if I could”.

Callie’s interview

What’s your favorite subject and least favorite “my favorite school subject is science least favorite subject is math”.

What do you think about the school lunch?

“the school lunch isn’t terrible but I don’t eat”.

What don’t you like about summit?

“I don’t like how we have communities because we don’t get to see our friends” .

Would you say summit is a good school?”I would say summit is a good school”.

Those are just a few examples of peoples opinions on summit thank you for reading!

Domino’s pizza review

Keith Aden

So I’m doing a review on domino’s and they have tons of food like pasta,salad,brownies,cinnamon twist,pizza,garlic bread rolls,soda, and water. they do delivery and you can eat there and here’s a picture of domino’s pizza and desserts and they have a mascot here’s a picture

My opinion on domino’s is really good because the verity of how much stuff you can get and I highly recommend because there deserts are absolutely amazing and I’m always hungry so I can basically eat this every day for like a long time.

Student interviews

By Emir

Today I am going to interview Ezina Becirovic about 7th grade.

She’ll be asked about how she feels about 7th grade so far.

I will also be interviewing her In person, here are the results.



McDonalds Review

by Emerald S.

Why Dunkin Donuts is Good

by Michaelyn

Dunkin Donuts is a great store if you have a sweet tooth or a craving for coffee. I love their donuts. I like how they are moist and glazed. Dunkin Donuts started in 1950. And it is still open today.

Reasons why I think Dunkin Donuts is good. I think DD is good because of they're donuts. Their donuts are good for many reasons. They are moist, chewy, and soft. They also have drinks. They're good, too. That's why I like DD. If you haven't tried it, TRY IT!!

Any way, those are my reasons I love DD. Hope this actually made you think of how good DD really is.

Grandma’s Lasagna

By Jay

I love the cheese that’s on the lasagna and how it tastes. And this is also my favorite food. Fun fact, lasagna is an Italian food.

Lasagna noodles (oven ready or regular)

2lb of hamburger

1/2 -1 lb of Italian sausage (if desired)

Italian seasoning

Seasoning salt

Garlic powder

Onion powder

Black pepper

Bell pepper


Prego Italian and garlic flavor sauce 2-3 jars

Italian cheese

Mozzarella cheese

Cheddar cheese


If you chose the regular noodle option- put pot of water on before cooking meat add 2tbs of oil to water

Cut up half bell pepper and onion

Preheat oven to 350

Prep meat in skillet with seasoning, onion and bell pepper brown meat (season to your desired taste)

Drain meat and add Prego stir together and cover to simmer for about 15 mins

After noodles and meat are done begin to layer should have 2-3 layers

Bake until top layer of cheese is golden brown

*If you choose the oven ready noodles, please follow directions on box